Hatch - A Utility Framework for Webflow

Hatch is a utility framework for Webflow that is made up of over 2,200 low-level utility classes, helping you work super fast.
Font sizing + spacing scales down automatically on each breakpoint so it's fully responsive out of the box.
If you want to use a style (or override a style) at a specific breakpoint, add a breakpoint class starting with Tablet, Landscape or Portrait.
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Watch a demo of me building with Hatch here: https://youtu.be/SgmapsRTgVo
Be sure to checkout the documentation to see which classes are available: https://www.notion.so/Hatch-0d4a03cf6c9f474787e59484822d09c7
(Official + searchable documentation site coming soon).
I'd love to hear what you think! If you have any thoughts and/or ideas on how I can make Hatch better please let me know! Hit me up on Twitter (https://twitter.com/mackenziechild) or email me mackenzie@flowmingo.co.