Vine Simulator

Just a dumb little test to see if I could use Webflow's CMS to simulate the obsolete Vine app and bring back some nostalgia. I must have thrown it together in a day so it's definitely not a finished product or anything, but when I made it a year ago it really made me realise that almost anything is possible in Webflow.
Using the CMS I was even able to create a little share button that took you to the posts page where you could get the actual URL for the post, as well as some little interactions here and there like the like button. But you could definitely have pushed it further to have more interactions and transitions to make it feel like more of an app.
You have to stop the video from playing before you move on to the next one, but by using the embed tool I was able to use some Youtube embed code that enables the video to loop, then I connected it to the CMS to replace the relevant parts of the code needed for each post.