WebDev For You - Daily Interaction #106

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Welcome to Daily Interaction #106. This demo showcases a reverse image effect on mouse move. There are two images facing the opposite direction on both sides of the screen and when you move your mouse on the x-axis the images get closer or further apart. It is a very simple effect, but I think it can be very effective. To use the same image and save on load time I flipped the right image horizontally on the y-axis within the interaction. Both the left and right image are in a wrapper with an overflow set to hidden. I then applied a 'mouse move in viewport' interaction to move both images in and out as the mouse moved on the x-axis. Demo requires mouse or trackpad input. To view more daily interactions and premium content visit: https://www.webdevforyou.com/ If you'd like more information on how this interaction was accomplished be sure to join the Slack Community!