WebDev For You - Daily Interaction #86

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Welcome to daily interaction #86. This is what I like to call an 'exploding' button. I first created a '3d-wrapper' and gave it a child perspective to be able to move the individual blocks along the z-axis to give it a 3d effect. I then added a 'blocks wrapper' and applied a grid display setting to it. This allowed me to divide the 'blocks-wrapper' into an 8x4 grid. I then added a div block inside of each grid block which made for 32 individual div blocks. Then for the hover interaction I moved each block along the x, y, and z axis. The x and y was a bit more coordinated while the z value was a bit more random. I also changed the background color and border color for each block, but for that I just applied one animation and applied to all the block classes. The hover out animation was simple as I just had to reset all the x, y, and z values back to 0, and I could apply the animation to elements with the same class.