
This is my Clone Comp space saga entry "Escape to Space."
Day-1 I wanted to make a horizontal scroller like "Canals" but that failed when the navigation and parallax images stopped working when scrolling horizontally instead of vertically. I ran out of time and had to put it together as a standard vertical scroll and that compromised my design a bit.
Day-3 Update. I started trying to clone Josh and Jordan's 8-Bit project. I made an 8-Bit blackhole and another level, but didn't like the look of it, so abandoned that and returned to this one. I was able, after a couple of rounds with the calculator, to get the horizontal scroll working. I didn't have time to add the parallax image animations that I wanted, and the navigation was going to need some custom code to scroll sideways to the proper area, so I removed that, and it's just scroll-scroll-scroll, with a tiny bit of reading if you want the full story! All images from Unsplash.