🔴 Express build of a landing page for an aviation management company

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💠 Client ↓ Website designed and developed for ExHigh Air Space. 🔗 Live site ↓ https://exhighaero.co.k ℹ Description ↓ The client needed a landing page design and development done in a short time span — ~2 weeks. I decided to take a challenge and make a decent looking website! They wanted a minimalistic website with separate contact forms in order to forward submissions to different business emails. I’ve made simple yet cohesive design — and created a foundation for future versions of the site by using a style guide and unified elements such as cards, box shadows, hover effects, icons, etc. ⚒️ Stack ↓ https://georgy.design/stack 💥 Attention ↓ The copy was provided by the client. 💬 Twitter ↓ https://twitter.geor.gy 👨🏻‍💻 Unlimited design and development subscription ↓ Need a website? Don’t have a designer? I create nicely looking yet performant websites that get you those sweet leads! Feel free to reach out → https://georgy.design