this is a site: a website owner's manual | Printed Matter Virtual Art Book Fair 2021

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How do you make a website? Learn about site hosting, domain names, search engine optimization, data protection regulation, and the larger internet ecosystem. In this website owner's manual, you will be introduced to the basic building blocks of website making with and without code. Like books, websites can be many things, embracing their potential for creating community, or publishing and protecting your work against the controlling oversight of social media platforms. Meant for designers, independent publishers, and everyone else who has a website and wants to better understand how sites work. Includes useful links and online tools, a robust glossary, checklists to make sure you don’t miss a detail, and stickers! This book is an accessible introduction to building a website with illustrations and diagrams to help visualize technicalities. Embrace the chaos of the early internet and imagine a better worldwide web.