台灣維諾聖地 | Vinoscenti Taiwan

Vinoscenti Taiwan is a wine-importing company based in Taiwan. This is my first website crafted in Chinese. I utilized Figma for design, implementing a rebranding strategy with fresh colours, themes, and styles. For development, I primarily used Relume library, focusing on rapid development and a client-first approach. The entire process, from design to development, was completed independently within approximately 4-5 weeks. If you're seeking swift website development, please reach out to me at I look forward to collaborating with you!
Vinoscenti Taiwan是一家位於台灣的葡萄酒進口公司。這是我建立的第一個全中文網站。我使用Figma進行設計,重新設計了品牌,選用了符合品牌的顏色、主題和風格。在開發方面,我主要使用了Relume,以快速開發和客戶至上的方法論。從設計到開發,我自己獨立完成。整個過程大約花了4-5週的時間。如果您正在尋找快速建設網站的解決方案,請通過angel.bih.1224@gmail.com與我聯繫。期待與您合作。