Breaking through impostor syndrome for creatives
Breaking through impostor syndrome for creatives
Impostor syndrome: a psychological pattern of behavior that breeds self-doubt, constant questioning of competence, and a reduced sense of belonging – and leaves 70% of US workers unable to unlock their full professional potential. It’s particularly common among creative professionals.
Those with impostor syndrome experience symptoms of general anxiety, ongoing stress, and persistent workaholism to offset a fear of being exposed as a fraud. And it’s worse for creatives who constantly receive subjective criticism and assessments of their work, and for those in marginalized identity groups who face greater barriers to advancement and pressures of being the only one in the room.
In this workshop, Kate Purmal, the author of the new book COMPOSURE: The Art of Executive Presence, will review the behaviors, causes, and triggers associated with impostor syndrome, and share ways to overcome these persistent patterns with a simple “brain hack” to create more calm and cultivate self confidence