WebDev For You - Daily Interaction #116

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Welcome to Daily Interaction #116. This demo showcases a 3D button animation on hover. For these buttons there are 4 square blocks with a front and top side that rotate one after another on hover. The blocks are in a wrapper with a child perspective applied to it so that a 3D effect is created when each block rotates. The blocks also change color to clearly distinguish the hover state and so the 3d effect becomes more apparent for each block. For the top block I moved it up 100%, rotated it 90 degrees on the x-axis, and changed the transform origin to the bottom. This starts to create a 3d-cube. I only needed the top side for this effect, so it was only applied to the top block. Inspired by: https://codepen.io/CarlosGNotario/pen/NqdKzK/ To view more daily interactions and premium content visit: https://www.webdevforyou.com/