10 best hosting website templates and designs

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What are hosting website templates?

Hosting website templates are pre-designed, customizable layouts and themes specifically created for web hosting companies or providers. These templates include essential features and elements needed for a hosting website, such as pricing tables, domain search functionality, customer testimonials and support sections. By using these templates, hosting companies can quickly set up their website, showcase their hosting plans, and attract new customers without having to design and develop a website from scratch.

Komplex is a versatile Webflow blog page template designed to simplify the process of creating stunning websites. It offers an array of possibilities, enabling you to construct attractive websites swiftly using either pre-prepared sections or by creating your own unique design using modular UI elements. Komplex provides access to numerous component options and a comprehensive suite of inner pages, ensuring your website stands out.


The Guru Webflow template is an ideal solution for individuals aiming to leverage their skills and knowledge for financial gain. This template simplifies the process of creating and uploading premium course or tutorial content, facilitating immediate monetization of your expertise. Guru's responsive design assures a visually pleasing website on any device, ensuring an outstanding user experience for your audience.


Waitlister is a versatile Webflow template, meticulously crafted to assist you in creating stunning and functional websites for gathering waitlist emails while your product is under development. It boasts a visually pleasing design and an intuitive interface, ensuring your visitors enjoy a smooth experience while navigating your site and joining your waitlist.


The Skillz e-learning Webflow template is an ideal solution for transforming your expertise and knowledge into profitable digital products. It enables you to effortlessly create, upload and market your tutorial and course content on the Skillz platform, ensuring a smooth experience for both you and your clients.The Skillz e-learning Webflow template is packed with a plethora of remarkable features such as responsive design, navigation and slider, ensuring your content is accessible and visually appealing on any device. The template also includes a media lightbox, a retina-ready display, a content management system and ecommerce capabilities. This makes it an all-inclusive and user-friendly choice for your online course platform.


Avery is a Webflow blog template tailored for sales-driven copywriters who strive to leave a lasting impression and effortlessly secure their dream clients. This outstanding template combines style and functionality seamlessly, giving your website a competitive edge. It features a responsive design, retina-ready display and web font integration, ensuring your content looks amazing on any device. Key features of this template include background video integration, a strong content management system and ecommerce capabilities. It also boasts interactive forms, media lightbox functionality and responsive navigation for an uninterrupted user experience. Use the power of symbols to maintain a consistent aesthetic throughout your website, making it simpler than ever to display your copywriting talents and attract your ideal clients.


Flock is a Webflow blog page template that masterfully combines bold typography and soft pastel accents, resulting in a straightforward yet relaxed tone suitable for both professional and casual environments. This adaptable template is perfect for businesses and individuals aiming to make a notable impression in the digital realm while still maintaining a welcoming and down-to-earth atmosphere.


Clover is a Webflow blog page template that infuses modern corporate styling with a positive twist. This template is characterized by high-contrast text, understated pastels, and an assortment of UI snippets, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to establish a polished and professional online image. Clover's design is not only visually captivating but also highly practical, providing a smooth user experience.


Rocketup is the ultimate Webflow hosting template, specifically designed to meet the needs of your hosting business. It features a sleek design and customizable sections, providing you with the tools to easily create a professional website. The template includes pre-built pages, enabling you to quickly establish an online presence and effectively showcase your services.


Adorn is an ideal Webflow template for artists and creatives who want to display and sell their art, prints and decorative homewares on the internet. This exquisitely crafted template has a responsive design, which guarantees your gallery or shopfront will look impressive on any device. Its content management system allows for easy inventory management and updates, and the custom 404 page lends a professional feel to your website.Adorn's template features such as 3D transforms, CSS grid and interactions offer a visually stimulating and dynamic browsing experience for your visitors. The ecommerce integration facilitates smooth online transactions, and the media lightbox and responsive navigation make it simple for users to navigate your artwork and products. Adorn is also retina-ready and comes with web fonts, ensuring your website has a sleek, modern appearance.


Castly is a sleek and contemporary podcasting Webflow template designed exclusively for podcasters. This cutting-edge template engages your audience with your content from the start, providing a seamless user experience. Castly's modern design and clean layout make it the ideal choice for podcasters wanting to establish a professional and visually attractive blog page.


Who should use hosting website template?

Hosting website templates can be used by individuals, businesses, or organizations that want to create a website for their web hosting services. This may include web hosting providers, resellers or even web design agencies that offer hosting as part of their services. Using a hosting website template can save time and effort in designing and developing a website from scratch, as it provides a pre-built structure and design elements tailored for hosting-related content and features.

How do you choose the best hosting website template?

The best hosting website templates are defined by several key components. Firstly, they should have a professional and clean design that is easy to navigate. This includes a clear layout, intuitive menus and a consistent style throughout the site. 

Secondly, they should be responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to fit different screen sizes, from desktop computers to mobile devices. This ensures that the website looks good and functions well on any device.

Thirdly, they should include features that are specific to hosting services, such as pricing tables, feature comparison charts and customer testimonials. These elements help potential customers understand the different hosting plans and make an informed decision.

Fourthly, they should be customizable, allowing the website owner to easily change colors, fonts, images and other elements to match their brand. This includes having a variety of page templates to choose from, such as home pages, product pages and contact pages.

Fifthly, they should be SEO-friendly, with clean code and fast loading times to help improve the website’s ranking in search engine results. 

Lastly, they should come with good customer support, whether that’s through detailed documentation, video tutorials or direct support from the template creator. This ensures that the website owner can easily set up and maintain their site.