I'm the Creative Director for a 'Series A" funded startup called Juxta Labs and we make the app called Mappen.
It's an app for your real social life.
The CEO asked me if I could design a more legit landing page than the one we had to help tell our narrative and also to design a section for the press. He asked if I could design it so that we could then hand it off to a contract web developer an have them build it.
I told him, I would rather design it and develop it myself using Webflow. We are a lean team and if I was able to develop and design it, I could cut out all the back-and-forth communication management I'd have to do to make sure the website turned out the way we wanted it.
After pitching him the idea, he was sold on it. He didn't know i could develop websites when I was hired because my job was to lead and manage a team of designers, help them grow in their careers, and to provide strategic direction for our business.
I showed up with the website in hand in the morning.