10 best app website templates and designs

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What are app website templates?

App website templates are pre-designed layouts and structures for websites that are specifically created to showcase, promote or support mobile applications. These templates usually include sections for app features, screenshots, download links, testimonials and pricing information. They are designed to be visually appealing, user-friendly and responsive, ensuring that the website looks good on various devices and screen sizes. By using an app website template, developers and app owners can save time and effort in creating a professional-looking website to market their mobile applications.

MRKTNG is a state-of-the-art website template for modern apps. With its smooth animations and clean aesthetic, it presents your application in an eye-catching manner that captivates your audience.Prominent features of MRKTNG include a content management system for effortless website updates, a CSS grid for a flexible layout, and a custom 404 page to maintain a consistent aesthetic throughout your site. It also offers interactive elements, responsive navigation, and retina-ready graphics to deliver a smooth and engaging user experience. With its wide array of features and elegant design, MRKTNG is an ideal choice for showcasing your app and amplifying your marketing efforts.


Yssyk is tailor-made to highlight your new app or product. Constructed solely on the Webflow grid system, it offers a distinctive and exploratory layout that will engage your audience. The contemporary design and flawless user interface make this template ideal for businesses aiming to make a strong digital impression.Yssyk comes loaded with a host of remarkable features such as a content management system, a custom 404 page, and interactive elements to draw in your visitors. Moreover, the template features a responsive design for perfect viewing on all devices, retina-ready visuals for sharp images, and web fonts integration for a sleek and professional appearance. Enhance your online visibility with this outstanding Webflow template.


Appish is a Webflow template designed specifically for promoting mobile apps and creating a memorable impact on your audience. It provides a user-friendly and high-converting website design that ensures you stand out from your competitors. Appish is the ideal choice for those wanting to increase their app downloads and present their app in an engaging and professional way.


The Happy template is a sleek, modern solution designed to showcase your app on a standout marketing site. Crafted with user experience at its core, this template ensures your app garners the attention it merits. The Happy template's responsive design guarantees your site's impressive display on all devices, providing your audience with a seamless browsing experience.Key features of the Happy template include responsive navigation, symbols, and interactions, facilitating easy customization and a dynamic user experience. The template also boasts a custom 404 page, 3D transforms, and CSS grid capabilities for a visually engaging site. Retina-ready web fonts ensure your content remains crisp and clear, making it simple for users to understand your app and its benefits.


Boldest is a Webflow template that highlights the creative aspects of your app and startup journey. This template is designed to convert visitors into app users, thereby boosting your product. Boldest is characterized by its visually compelling design and user-friendly interface, making it an optimal selection for startups establishing their online presence.Boldest comes with a range of features such as background video, a content management system, and css grids. Moreover, Boldest provides a custom 404 page, ecommerce integration, and responsive design, rendering it a flexible and adaptable option for any startup.


Darkbit X is the ultimate dark mode tech and SaaS template to make your startup stand out from the crowd. This template is an ideal choice for anyone aiming to launch a dark-mode Webflow website, with a unique and visually appealing design that will enthrall your audience.Darkbit X comes with a plethora of features, such as ecommerce capabilities, interactive forms, and media lightbox integration, making it a robust and flexible solution for any startup. Darkbit X also supports responsive design, navigation, and slider features, as well as being retina-ready and web font compatible. Darkbit X is a great solution for a stylish and contemporary dark mode Webflow website.

Darkbit X

App X is a top-tier Webflow template for mobile applications. It's a contemporary and innovative template that is ideal for app businesses aiming to boost downloads and user engagement. Its polished design and intuitive interface make App X the perfect tool for highlighting your app's unique features and advantages in a visually striking and professional way.App X is loaded with features including a responsive design, retina-ready graphics, and a personalized 404 page. This template also features a powerful content management system, effortless ecommerce integration, and dynamic web fonts. With App X, you have all the resources at your disposal to build an impressive and result-oriented website for your app business.

App X

Aiken is an innovative Webflow template created specifically for AI-powered image generation. This cutting-edge template is the perfect option for individuals who want to create a website that leverages artificial intelligence to generate unique and captivating images. Aiken ensures a smooth user experience, helping your website to stand out in the competitive digital world.Key features of the Aiken template include 3D-transforms, CSS-grid, and custom 404-page designs, all contributing to a visually impressive, functional website. The template also features a responsive design, retina-ready visuals, and web-fonts integration, guaranteeing that your website looks great and functions flawlessly on various devices. With Aiken, you can craft a truly unique and engaging AI-powered image generation website that will make a lasting impression on your visitors.


Conterms is a sleek Webflow template for SaaS startups, Fintech, and small businesses aiming to display their tech products. This template's clean layout and responsive design ensure that your website will look spectacular on any device, offering an outstanding user experience for your visitors. This template is loaded with a range of features to boost your website's functionality and aesthetics. These include 3D transforms, custom 404 pages, and interactive forms. Conterms also provides responsive navigation, a responsive slider, and retina-ready graphics to keep your website visually attractive and easy to navigate. The extensive use of symbols and web fonts allows you to establish a unique and professional online presence for your business with Conterms.


Appflow is a sleek template designed to showcase your mobile app in the best light possible. This template is meticulously crafted to attract customers and increase app downloads, ensuring your app gets the recognition it deserves. Its clean and modern design accentuates the unique features of your app, making it a preferred choice for both developers and businesses.Appflow features a responsive design that guarantees your website looks impressive on all devices. It boasts retina-ready visuals and web fonts, offering sharp and readable typography for an improved user experience. Furthermore, Appflow includes CSS grid layouts, interactive elements, and a responsive navigation slider, making it a versatile and user-friendly choice for your app's digital presence.


Who should use app website template?

App website templates are used for creating websites dedicated to promoting a specific mobile application. Their goal is to provide information about the app, highlight its features and ultimately persuade visitors to download the app.

These templates are most useful for app developers, startups and companies that have created a mobile app and want an effective way to market it. These templates are pre-designed to showcase app interfaces, features, user testimonials and often include a clear call-to-action for downloading the app from various app stores. They can also have sections for explaining the benefits of the app, displaying promotional videos and providing contact information or support.

How do you choose the best app website template?

The best app website templates are defined by several key components. Firstly, they should have a clean and intuitive design that makes it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need. This includes a clear layout, easy-to-read fonts and high-quality images.

Secondly, they should be responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to fit different screen sizes. This ensures that the website looks good and functions well on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones.

Thirdly, they should include sections for all the necessary information about the app, such as its features, benefits, pricing and user reviews. This helps potential users understand what the app does and why they should download it.

Fourthly, they should have a strong call to action, such as a download button or a sign-up form. This encourages visitors to take the desired action, whether that's downloading the app or signing up for a free trial.

Fifthly, they should be SEO-friendly to help the website rank higher in search engine results. This includes using relevant keywords, having fast loading times and including meta tags and descriptions.

Lastly, the best app website templates should be customizable, allowing the website owner to easily change the colors, fonts, images and other elements to match their brand identity. This helps create a consistent and professional look and feel across all marketing materials.