

Automagically describes content or functions beyond the technical scope of most users that appear as if the functions were created using magic. Automagically combines the words "automatically" and “magic,” which releases users from the need to understand every technical aspect of a process.

In web design and development, “automagical” often describes technical constructions adapted for the learning curve of complex coding or programming functions. Users often need simpler terminology to quickly comprehend the math, programming, or coding involved in creating internet content. 

The term “automagically” isn’t limited to web development, as it can excuse and abstract any process not fully understood by the end user. Advancements in AI, robotics, and computing have created the need for automagical explanations since, often, the existence and use of these technologies are more important than the science behind them. 

If you want to learn how to create website content that site visitors call automagic, start your magical web design journey with Webflow University.