Display: grid

Display: grid

The display: grid CSS property defines a website element (such as a button or header) as a grid container. Once defined this way, you can create customized grid sections via additional commands. Traditional grid sections include a web page header, menu, main section, and footer.

Designers often implement display: grid when creating larger website layouts with CSS, as grids are an effective way to structure a website and place elements where they’ll stand out to viewers, especially when balancing a lot of content on a single page.

By default, display: grid sets sections as rows that fill the entire element width. Developers often modify this behavior using CSS code to achieve the look web designers want, whether that’s setting specific sections by pixel dimension or setting rules for how all grid sections behave.

This approach saves time compared to more tedious, unwieldy positioning options. Using a grid also ensures the website is responsive and can adjust more readily to different screen sizes. You can also match any grid to a previously-conceived website layout, wireframe, or template.