Document type definition (DTD)

Document type definition (DTD)

A document type definition (DTD) defines the structure, validity, and attributes of standard generalized markup language (SGML) documents, such as geography markup language (GML), hypertext markup language (HTML), and extensible markup language (XML).

They serve as roadmaps for web developers, outlining the rules for arranging and organizing the content and layout of a document or webpage. These guidelines establish consistency and interoperability across markup languages by defining rules for specific elements, such as headers, paragraphs, images, and form inputs.

For example, consider an online clothing store that manages its inventory using an XML document. The DTD for this document might define elements like <item>, <price>, and <size>. The developer can also specify attributes for these elements, such as color and discounts.

By adhering to the DTD, developers can maintain consistent and uniform characteristics for all similar items across a document. This consistency enhances data management efficiency and ensures the accurate representation of data across platforms.

Visit Webflow University to learn more web development languages like HTML and CSS, and how to create an XML sitemap or add your own.