Email template

Email template

Email templates — or pre-designed HTML layouts — ensure consistent branding and visual aesthetic in marketing campaigns. These templates are typically built with HTML and incorporate various elements, including images, text, and links.

Once you design a template, you can save and reuse it for future email campaigns, ensuring your branding and messaging remain consistent. For example, a business may create an email template with its logo, colors, and preferred font style. Businesses can use this template to send promotional emails, newsletters, and other communications that align with their brand guidelines.

Using an email template saves time and resources, eliminating the need to design a new email layout from scratch for each message. Instead, you can edit and update a template as needed, making it a practical tool for businesses and organizations that rely on email marketing to reach their audience and communicate effectively. Visit Webflow University to learn how to customize form submission notifications or Ecommerce emails, and apply your branding to your email communications.