
A hit is a request to a web server from a browser for a specific resource. When users visit a website, their browsers must download several files, such as HTML pages, CSS files, and images, to display an entire webpage. Each time a user visits a webpage and requests resources, it contributes to the hit count.

Hits help gauge a site's traffic — a higher server hit count shows how often users’ web browsers request files. This data helps locate problems, such as server overload, network latency, and other areas of high demand, to improve site performance by optimizing server resources more effectively. 

Since hits record requests to the server, including resources not directly visible to the user, such as scripts, they don’t provide a comprehensive measure of the actual number of visitors to a site or its popularity, unlike metrics such as page views or unique visitors. 

Visit Webflow University to learn more about search engine optimization (SEO) fundamentals and how to optimize your website.