Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming approach that organizes code into self-contained units of data, functions, and behavior known as objects. Objects are the fundamental building blocks in OOP languages such as JavaScript, Python, C++, and Java. 

In OOP languages, web developers create classes, which act as blueprints for objects. Classes define a set of attributes (the data) and methods (the functions) an object can have. Objects are instances of classes, representing absolute values instead of variables. They encapsulate their data, allowing you to manage and change specific inputs without impacting others.

For example, color is a class, while red, green, and blue are objects. Here, color is a variable blueprint that receives objects as specific inputs.

OOP encourages modular programming, enabling you to break down complex applications into manageable sections to improve code readability, maintainability, and reusability.