

Syntax is the name for the rules specifying a web development language's structure and formatting. It encompasses the correct placement and ordering of keywords, symbols, and other coding elements within the coding script. Adhering to syntax rules ensures that languages like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript successfully process code to produce the desired results. 

In web design, syntax includes essential guidelines for positioning and organizing CSS selectors, properties, declarations, and values. Here’s a code snippet of CSS:

p {

  color: blue;


  text-align: left;


In this example, "p" is the selector, "color," "font-size," and "text-align" are properties, and "blue," "11px," and "left" are values. Here, the syntax dictates the arrangement: the selector is followed by a block of declarations (properties and their respective values).

The output will be a left-aligned paragraph with blue text in a size-11 font.

Following the correct syntax ensures proper structure, making the code and output easier to understand and modify.