Bryant Chou

Bryant Chou

Bryant Chou is cofounder and CTO of Webflow. He also heads up marketing, which may make him the world's only marketer/CTO.


Bryant Chou

Bryant Chou is cofounder and CTO of Webflow. He also heads up marketing, which may make him the world's only marketer/CTO.


Posts by this author


What to look for in a web hosting service

Bryant Chou
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What to look for in a web hosting service

Find out what features to look for in a web host, and see why Webflow Hosting could be the perfect fit for your next site.

Bryant Chou
, &
What to look for in a web hosting service
Inside Webflow

The rise of brand-first commerce

Bryant Chou
, &
Inside Webflow

The rise of brand-first commerce

The path to success in ecommerce is changing — fast. Here's how, and why we're looking to help democratize that path.

Bryant Chou
, &
The rise of brand-first commerce
Inside Webflow

Democratizing search technology — by bringing it to Webflow

Bryant Chou
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Inside Webflow

Democratizing search technology — by bringing it to Webflow

A look at how — and why — we built site search with some of the best search technology available.

Bryant Chou
, &
Democratizing search technology — by bringing it to Webflow
Inside Webflow

What we’ve been working on

Bryant Chou
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Inside Webflow

What we’ve been working on

Find out what we've been working on lately — and what features we'll be launching next.

Bryant Chou
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What we’ve been working on
Inside Webflow

How we’re making Webflow Hosting even more reliable

Bryant Chou
, &
Inside Webflow

How we’re making Webflow Hosting even more reliable

Find out what we learned from February 28th's Amazon Web Services outage — and how we're improving Webflow Hosting to prevent future outages.

Bryant Chou
, &
How we’re making Webflow Hosting even more reliable

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