CSS preprocessor

CSS preprocessor

A CSS preprocessor is a program that helps developers write Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) more effectively by providing advanced features such as variables, functions, and nesting. Sass, Less, Stylus, and other preprocessors simplify the process of writing and maintaining CSS.

Browsers can only understand CSS, restricting the capacity to write clean, reusable rules and eliminating the ability to reuse a collection of rules in multiple selectors with unclear pieces of data across a stylesheet. Preprocessors help overcome these limitations, extending the functionalities of standard CSS.

Sass, an acronym for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, is one of the most popular CSS preprocessors. Sass uses a syntax similar to standard CSS but with extensions like variables, nesting, mixins, and functions.

Less, short for Leaner Style Sheets, is a lightweight, easy-to-learn CSS preprocessor that enhances standard CSS by adding functionalities similar to Sass, such as variables and mixins.  

Stylus is a popular choice for building large-scale web applications. With a minimalistic syntax inspired by Python, it’s flexible and powerful, allowing developers to create complex stylesheets with minimal code.

CSS preprocessors make code more organized, easier to maintain, less repetitive, and less time-consuming to produce.

Visit Webflow University for in-depth lessons on CSS and HTML.