

Interpolation is a mathematical process that estimates and creates new values based on known values and their relationship. It creates visually appealing and interactive web experiences by bridging the gaps between existing values. 

Web designers and developers use interpolation to enhance visual appeal by creating a seamless transition between different states or frames, which is crucial for animations, image resizing, and gradient effects. 

For example, consider a website featuring a gradient effect section that changes color as the cursor moves across the screen. Interpolation calculates the colors between the initial and final states, ensuring a smooth, gradual transition without any abrupt color changes or lag. 

When resizing images, interpolation generates new pixels by evaluating the colors of the surrounding ones. This process creates a continuous, high-quality image free of distortion and pixelation. 

Visit Webflow University to learn how to create attractive transitions for multimedia content and apply interpolation, easing, and smoothing techniques to take your site’s flair and functionality to the next level.