

Pseudocode is a simplified, informal representation of programming code that outlines a program’s structure and logic without strict syntax. It conveys coding architecture and programming logic in a human-readable format. Pseudocode isn’t tied to any specific language, making it a universally accessible platform to communicate code-related concepts.

For example, a web developer planning to build a new website feature can draft pseudocode to outline how the features should work. This draft serves as a blueprint to guide the coding process, allowing developers to focus on the logical sequence of actions before diving into the syntax of a coding language.

Pseudocode also allows technical and non-technical stakeholders and team members to communicate effectively. Bridging this language gap enhances collaboration and ensures everyone involved understands the logic and functionality of a solution.

Learn more about web development languages like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript to stay up to date on the latest web development and design trends.