Resource Description Framework (RDF)

Resource Description Framework (RDF)

Resource Description Framework is a standardized framework developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that facilitates automated data exchange between web systems and applications.

RDF uses semantic triples — subject, predicate, and object — to denote relationships between resources. In this context, the subject represents the resource, the predicate describes its properties, and the object gives these properties’ values.

Written in machine-readable XML (Extensible Markup Language), RDF serves as a common language promoting web application interoperability. Its ability to integrate diverse data types efficiently makes it an ideal choice for web development, streamlining data integration, and fostering enhanced user experiences online.

Visit Webflow University to learn how to auto-generate XML sitemaps to make web pages discoverable to search engines and visitors. To explore how web standards make the internet more accessible, visit the Webflow blog.