
A slug, also known as a URL slug, is descriptive text after the website name at the end of a URL that identifies a web page on the domain. It typically contains keywords and phrases separated by hyphens, helping users and search engines understand the subject or content of a page. 

For example, a page's URL is usually a randomly generated string of characters, such as:

This URL is challenging to understand and lacks useful context for the visitor. A URL slug, on the other hand, provides more insight: 

URL slugs also improve search engine optimization (SEO) by providing valuable context and relevant keywords for web crawlers, helping them better find and index websites. 

Short, descriptive, and consistent slugs help avoid confusion, maintain website organization, and improve the user experience by making it easier to remember and share URLs. Visit Webflow University’s lesson on page URLs to learn how to change any page’s slug and optimize your site for SEO and users.