
Zapier integration

Webflow's integration with Zapier lets you connect your website's forms with tons of other apps designers use every day, including Slack, MailChimp, and Asana.


Zapier integration

Webflow's integration with Zapier lets you connect your website's forms with tons of other apps designers use every day, including Slack, MailChimp, and Asana.


Zapier integration

Webflow's integration with Zapier lets you connect your website's forms with tons of other apps designers use every day, including Slack, MailChimp, and Asana.

Webflow's integration with Zapier lets you connect your website's forms with tons of other apps designers use every day, including: 

  • MailChimp – so you can add people to your email subscription list
  • Twitter – so you can automatically tweet out submitted content, like testimonials
  • Facebook Pages – so you can post submitted content on your site’s Facebook Page
  • Google Sheets – to automatically add data to a new spreadsheet row
  • Slack – so submitted content goes straight to a chat channel, like #customerservice, or a direct message
  • Trello – to automatically create a new Trello card with the submitted data
  • LinkedIn – to automatically post a LinkedIn update
  • Toggl – to create a new project to track
  • Evernote – to create a new notebook in your company account
  • Asana – to set up a new project
  • Yammer – to send a new message using form data
  • Pushbullet – to send a link to the form data to get an instant notification
  • Sendwithus – you can send out an email with the form data
Launched on
April 13, 2015
February 1, 2024