Read posts by Alex Diaz on design, freelancing, & more
Alex Diaz

Alex Diaz

Made to be surrounded by laughter. Sunshine and strong coffee • Passion: People + Tech • Observer of social behavior around tech, motivation, & communities • constantly curious, easily entertained. Moar coffee plz. Twitter: @OptimusDiaz

Alex Diaz

Made to be surrounded by laughter. Sunshine and strong coffee • Passion: People + Tech • Observer of social behavior around tech, motivation, & communities • constantly curious, easily entertained. Moar coffee plz. Twitter: @OptimusDiaz

Posts by this author


Your site is only as good as your CMS

Alex Diaz
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Your site is only as good as your CMS

The CMS that your website is set up on has the biggest impact on your website's quality. Here's why.

Alex Diaz
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Your site is only as good as your CMS
Inside Webflow

A faster CMS experience in the Designer

Alex Diaz
, &
Inside Webflow

A faster CMS experience in the Designer

Working on large sites with the Webflow CMS is now a lot smoother and faster thanks to several improvements to the Designer.

Alex Diaz
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A faster CMS experience in the Designer
Inside Webflow

Introducing the Webflow Merch Store

Alex Diaz
, &
Inside Webflow

Introducing the Webflow Merch Store

We built an ecommerce store featuring custom Webflow swag from our very own brand team and friends in the community. 100% of the proceeds go to charity.

Alex Diaz
, &
Introducing the Webflow Merch Store

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