Web server

Web server

A web server is a computer program or hardware device that receives and serves Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) web pages, images, videos, and other content to clients who request them using a web browser. Two types of web servers exist: static and dynamic. Static web servers deliver fixed content such as HTML, CSS, and image files, while dynamic web servers use application server software to generate content in response to client requests.

Web server architecture includes multiple layers, such as hardware, operating system, web server software, and application server software. Each layer plays a critical role in delivering web content to clients. When a visitor enters a website's address in their browser, it sends a request to the site's web server. The server processes the request and provides the requested content, which the browser then displays.

Web servers can be run on various operating systems and hosted on physical servers or cloud-based services. Their design allows them to handle a large number of concurrent requests from clients and employ various technologies to optimize performance and security. Visit Webflow University to learn more about web server hosting and how to establish an encrypted secure socket layer (SSL) to protect you and your visitors’ information.