on demand

Empowering design and marketing teams to own their website


 speakers from 
Brooke Burdge

Brooke Burdge

Senior VP of Marketing, Attentive
Max Valiquette

Max Valiquette

Director of Brand Design, Attentive
Barrett Johnson

Barrett Johnson


Product & marketing, Webflow

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About this webinar

When gearing up for a rebrand, the Attentive brand team had modest plans to touch up their existing website. That was because, in the past, redesigns of their WordPress site was a massive, agency-driven project. (File under: too much of a lift.)

However, as they began to play around with Webflow, they saw a new path forward. One that would enable them to own and operate their website without an external agency or internal developers.

Join us for a chat with Attentive’s Director of Brand Design and SVP of Marketing. We’ll discuss how switching from WordPress to Webflow enabled them to:

  • Redesign and rebuild faster. Without relying on an external agency or internal developers, the brand and marketing team moved faster and more autonomously.
  • Pursue more ambitious designs. With autonomy and Webflow interactions and animations, the brand team pushed the creative boundaries of what they originally planned for the site.
  • Improve site accessibility. Webflow’s built-in accessibility tools enabled the team to ensure their site met AA accessibility standards across the board — a core goal from the start.

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