
Fully customizable content structures

Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like with over a dozen field types.


Fully customizable content structures

Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like with over a dozen field types.


Fully customizable content structures

Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like with over a dozen field types.

Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like with over a dozen field types.

  • Plain text 
    For content you don't want editors or clients to style or embed links in.
  • Rich text 
    For long-form text editors and clients can style and embed links in.
  • Image 
    For photos, infographics, icons, and other visual media.
  • Video 
    For embedding videos hosted on Vimeo or YouTube.
  • Audio (coming soon)
    For embedding songs, podcasts, and other audible media.
  • File (coming soon)
    For linking to files like PDFs.
  • Link 
    For including links and CTAs you design in the Collection Template.
  • Number 
    For including any kind of number, from phone numbers to restaurant ratings.
  • Date & Time 
    For including a date and/or time, perfect for events sites.
  • Switch 
    A simple toggle editors can set to on or off, great for featured content, coming soon labels, and more.
  • Color 
    Create a unique color scheme for content types or products, like we did with our Webflow stories.
  • Reference 
    For single references to other Collections, perfect for linking to your blog's authors, for example.
  • Multi-reference 
    For multiple references to other Collections, such as a list of related blog posts or articles.
  • Option
    For those times when you want to give editors a few options of things to refer to, such as authors, but don't want to create a Collection.

You can model just about any kind of content with these options. Editors will see the fields you choose when creating new content.

Launched on
October 7, 2015