
Style form placeholder text

Now you can style the placeholder text in forms using the “placeholder” state on input fields.


Style form placeholder text

Now you can style the placeholder text in forms using the “placeholder” state on input fields.


Style form placeholder text

Now you can style the placeholder text in forms using the “placeholder” state on input fields.

You asked, you waited — it’s here. Now you can style placeholder text in forms just like you’d style any other element in Webflow: however you want. (No custom code required.)

Just pick the "Placeholder" state from the State dropdown about the Selector field to style:

  • Typography. Change the font family, size, color, line height, and anything else your design calls for.
  • Background. Change the background color, add a gradient, go crazy.
  • Shadows. Add and customize drop shadows on the text.
  • Opacity. From 0 to 100 (at a reasonable pace).
Style placeholder text using the "placeholder" state on input fields.
‍Style placeholder text using the "placeholder" state on input fields.
Launched on
November 22, 2017
November 29, 2017