

A domain, or domain name, is the unique address that directs to a website on the internet. Unlike a website name, which serves as a brand identifier in the browser tab or search engine results, a domain is a technical identifier that routes internet traffic to the correct server and webpage. It comes after the HTTP or HTTPS protocol but before the top-level domain extension in a website’s URL.

A domain has two parts — the name and a hosting server. The domain connects to its internet protocol (IP) address, a unique number connecting a device to the internet, and redirects to the server that hosts it.

When you enter a website's name into a browser, it sends a request to an international Domain Name System (DNS) server network. The DNS returns the website’s IP address, making it accessible to visitors. No two domain names are the same — a website can't use a domain occupied by another.

Domain names allow visitors to access websites by entering a memorable title instead of a complicated and difficult-to-remember IP address.

Visit Webflow University to learn how to connect a custom domain to your website and create your own domain name with a domain name generator.