
Add files as CMS fields

Now you can set files as CMS Collection fields to add things like PDFs, DOCs, images, and more to a Collection item.


Add files as CMS fields

Now you can set files as CMS Collection fields to add things like PDFs, DOCs, images, and more to a Collection item.


Add files as CMS fields

Now you can set files as CMS Collection fields to add things like PDFs, DOCs, images, and more to a Collection item.

Now you can add a file field to CMS items to let site visitors download or view files on a Collection page. Available on all sites with CMS and Business hosting (and sites on staging if you're just trying it out).

Uploading files: now a thing in the Editor.
‍Uploading files: now a thing in the Editor.

Common uses

Neat, but what can you do with this? Good question. Here are a few of the most exciting ideas we’ve seen:

  • Let your clients upload PDFs via the Editor. Clients love PDFs.
  • Reveal a downloadable whitepaper in the success state of your forms on a templated landing page. Boom, gated content.
  • Add a downloadable CV/resume link for each team member on your team page.

But we’re sure you’ll come up with plenty more. So go crazy!

Launched on
August 22, 2018
February 2, 2024