
Bulk actions for Collection items

Now you can delete, archive, and draft multiple (or all) Collection items at once in the Designer and the Editor.


Bulk actions for Collection items

Now you can delete, archive, and draft multiple (or all) Collection items at once in the Designer and the Editor.


Bulk actions for Collection items

Now you can delete, archive, and draft multiple (or all) Collection items at once in the Designer and the Editor.

With CSV import and dummy data generation, we made it pretty easy to add a bunch of items to your CMS, but until now, it's been a bit of a pain to delete or modify more than one at a time. 

We're happy to say that's no longer the case, because now you can take bulk actions on items in a Collection within the Designer and the Editor. So now you and your clients can quickly and easily manage the state of all your content.

Let's take a look at how this works in the Designer:

Activate bulk action mode!

From there, you can select multiple or all of your items and delete, draft, or archive them in a single click. You can also use SHIFT + click to select a range of items.

This should make everyone's life a bit easier.

And in the Editor:

Same same, but different.

Just like in the Designer, you can then select multiple or all of your items and delete, draft, or archive them in a single click. You can also use SHIFT + click to select a range of items.

Manage all of the content!
Launched on
June 26, 2017
February 2, 2024