The marketer’s website

How no-code puts your business first


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Dear marketing leader,

Out of all marketing assets, your website is the most important.

It’s home to your company’s visual identity, describes your products and services, makes connecting with customers possible, and so much more. Often a collaborative effort led by designers but dependent on engineers, marketing teams are plagued by long, expensive development cycles — stunting their abilities to create experiences that address in-the-moment shifts in the market.

Right now, we’re seeing work transform before our very eyes. Entrepreneurship is hitting record highs. In 2021, 5.4 million new business applications were filed in the United States alone1 — a million more than the year prior. This signals a big shift, one pointing in the direction of innovation and economic recovery.

But what does this mean for existing businesses?

For starters, the rise of net new business means an increase in competition. Legacy industries are ripe for disruption by founders ready to eliminate the latest consumer frustration or business problem with clever innovation. As a result, even the most well-known companies are forced to rethink what value they’re really providing while identifying opportunities to future-proof their businesses.

McKinsey dubs adaptability as a “critical success factor” during periods of transformation and systemic change.2 The ones who will not just survive but thrive will be organizations that move fast, attract quality talent, and make strategic investments in modern technology.

Marketing leaders across industries are at a crucial turning point: one where they must decide how to effectively drive awareness, communicate their vision, and outrun the competition. Meanwhile, your website is the end-all-be-all — your ultimate marketing tool. Your front door, except on the internet. That’s why, during a period marked by a uniquely high rate of competition, it’s crucial you supercharge both your team and your site with the right set of tools.

Here’s what you’re probably thinking: “Oh no, not another piece of software to add to my stack that I will need to hire someone to manage.” And you’re right! We’re talking about no-code: a movement centered around empowerment. 

No-code puts the keys back in the hands of marketing teams looking to harness the power of code without actually having to write code. And more specifically, no-code visual development tools afford marketing teams flexibility, autonomy, and the ability to save engineers time traditionally wasted on making minor website content updates.

Marketers have one of the hardest responsibilities at an organization: managing and optimizing a website that positions the entire business for success. And visual development platforms are the key to improving your website. They give your team the power to build stunning digital experiences, remain (or become) nimble, scale back developer dependency (and costs), and actually own organization-defining projects like brand refreshes.

So whether you’re looking to meet the moment, build eye-catching digital experiences, reserve developer resources, or actually tackle that site redesign you’ve dreamt of for years, no-code web development tools are here to help you get started.

Chapter 1

Why no-code empowers modern marketing teams

How no-code benefits marketers, relieves developers, and propels forward-thinking enterprises.

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Why? For far too long, the status quo of web development has revolved around marketing teams relying on developers to update website content. This leaves marketers unable to make on-the-fly updates and engineers unable to fully focus on core product builds and improvements.

At the end of the day, both teams want to support one another, but in a way that moves company and career growth forward. However, with outdated technology, your marketing team will lack the proper tools it needs to gain full ownership over your most powerful brand asset: your website.

This is what no-code is all about: freeing up developer time and empowering modern marketing teams to create, iterate, edit, and control your site. This doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to marketing-engineering collaboration; it just means more efficient teamwork, improved employee happiness, and greater agility. Let’s jump into a few of the ways your team will benefit from bringing on a no-code visual development tool.

Removing development bottlenecks helps marketing teams become more agile 

Marketers and developers are wired very similarly. Both like building things and the glee of yelling “ship it!” when their creations are ready to be seen by the world. Both pay close attention to detail and enjoy seeing the results of their efforts. But sometimes this attention to detail requires quick last-minute changes, and that’s where the problems start. 

Agility stops when organizations don’t prioritize efficiency. Oftentimes, marketing teams groan at “development bottlenecks” — or roadblocks that slow down their process — push back deadlines, or kill projects altogether because of a “lack of resources.” But it’s not that developers want to stand in the way. They’re just wrapped up in either a backlog of last-minute requests or their own core responsibilities.

This is why we often see teams outsource some of this work. But traditional agency and in-house web design timelines rarely move fast enough to keep up with customer needs, marketing trends, and evolving brand guidelines. Marketing teams need a no-code platform that affords them autonomy and control they need with assurance that their changes won’t destroy your site’s development framework. Once they have that, time-sensitive edits, building and launching new landing pages, protecting brand identity, and more becomes a walk in the park. And perhaps best of all — their friends on the engineering team will be thrilled to have some much needed time back. 

No-code means marketers can have creative control over your brand’s web presence

Relying on third-party platforms for web design needs like one-off landing pages is not ideal. It’s a security concern and a branding consistency nightmare (who likes grainy logos and not-quite-right font weights?). Plus, the outdated drag-and-drop editors often found in landing page builders tend to be less responsive on mobile, resulting in either a poor end-user experience or your in-house team wasting its time duplicating efforts.

Today’s brands have mere milliseconds to make a good impression from a marketing campaign they’ve likely funneled thousands of dollars into, and no team wants (or can afford) to send users to a half-baked, half-responsive site. With no-code tools, however, marketing teams can link up with in-house designers to build stunning web experiences. Not only are they able to control the look and feel — ensuring it aligns with brand guidelines and resonates with your audience — but the content, growth, and SEO teams are also able to make changes and tweaks to the site, all without developer assistance.

Say goodbye to snail-paced launch plans 

More unicorns were minted in 2021 than the past five years combined3– making competition steeper than ever  — and speed-to-market a non-negotiable. Timing has become the ultimate marketing advantage, and the faster you can iterate and get something live, the faster you are able to get ahead of the competition.

Before any big web launch, businesses need to maintain quality control – ideally without compromising deadlines. However, flat web experiences just won’t cut it anymore, which is why we’ve seen a rise in experimental and immersive marketing content that hooks users. While this may seem intimidating (and a time suck), no-code visual development platforms help your marketing and design teams build and launch pixel-perfect designs quickly and without custom code. The people you know and trust can own key initiatives. Best of all, as time-sensitive ideas arise that will help your organization meet the moment, your team will be well-positioned to execute way quicker than any external agency could. 

It’s time to hand your marketing team the keys

Control, autonomy, speed, time – this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of arming your marketing team with a no-code web development tool. Don’t just take our word for it: teams at Attentive, MURAL, Shift, and more have seen impressive business growth after making the switch. By putting your marketing team in charge of your website, you’ll stop shying away from brand refreshes and site changes and always go full steam ahead, positioning your organization for sustainable long-term success.

So here’s our final promise: Give your marketing team no-code, and they’ll make your wildest dreams come true.

Other resources

Free resources on responsive web design, freelancing, and more.

Innovative web solutions

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How AI optimization drives conversions for marketers

Evolving design systems

Strategies and future frontiers for web owners

Reimagining web development teams

Enabling cross-functional collaboration for success

Running a highly efficient marketing team

Tips and strategies from best-in-class organizations

A better site experience

Your guide to tackling website redesigns

No-code for enterprises

Why enterprises should build web experiences in a visual environment

The no-code revolution

Learn what the no-code movement means for the future of makers and businesses.

The modern web design process

Learn how a well-defined process translates to high-performing websites.

The freelance web designer's guide

The missing guide to becoming —and making a living as— a freelance web designer.

Web design 101

The future of the web is in your hands. Learn how to build it right.