The no-code revolution

Learn what the no-code movement means for the future of makers and businesses.


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Ironically enough, although it gets talked about a lot on Twitter and feels like “the hot new thing,” the “no-code movement” is not all that new.

At its core, the no-code movement is just an evolution of core principles that has driven technological innovation for millennia: namely, the desire to democratize and scale processes, tools, and access to mediums which were formerly available only to a small set of people — and through that democratization, multiply the potential of what humankind can create.

Democratizing mediums to unleash creative potential 

Consider the following examples of tools and technologies that we’ve created to democratize access to formerly inaccessible mediums. Spoiler alert: the more access people have to a medium, and the easier we make that access, creativity and output and innovation go through the roof.

The democratization of publishing

Before the advent of the printing press, the only way to mass produce books was by hand. This made the spread of new information and knowledge not only slow, but also controlled by the institutional powers of the day (in the case of Europe, this was the church). 

printing press

The invention of the printing press in 1440 made the mass production and distribution of new texts possible in a dramatic new way. And if you were to trace the thread of publishing to the modern world, through typewriters and now word processing technology, publishing your ideas to the world is only a few clicks away. 


The results of this increasingly accessible world of publishing are unsurprising: consider the rise in the number of new book titles per 1 million people in the last 200 years.

new book titles

The democratization of music production

Similarly, in the realm of music, technology and access have had a dramatic impact on the volume of music that we create. In the past, creating a record would have required industry connections, significant capital for studio time, and more.

music production

Now, with the advent of home recording technology and publishing platforms like SoundCloud and Spotify, creating and sharing music is easier than ever.

music recordings per year

The democratization of movie production

In the realm of movie production, the pattern has been the same. In the past, creating movies was an extraordinarily expensive affair, and so production was limited only to those who could afford it or fundraise significant amounts of capital.

moving production

As cameras have become more available, and independent filmmakers have had a chance to share their ideas without so much upfront capital, creativity has blossomed.

video production

Nowadays many people have a video camera in their phone — and the rise of movie production in recent history attests to the fact that greater access to a medium impacts the output and creativity of an entire industry.

new featured films per year

The democratization of software

The no-code movement continues this evolution — but simply in the realm of software. Put simply, the no-code movement rests upon the fundamental belief that technology should enable and facilitate creation, not be a barrier to entry. The potential for this movement, judging by the examples laid out above, is tremendous — and for those of us participating in shaping it, we really do have the potential to change the world. 

Chapter 1

What is the no-code movement?

And what it means for modern businesses and marketing teams.

John Moore Williams
John Moore Williams
? Reading time
"These tools are reducing the amount of time and coding expertise required to translate an idea into something people can use. You no longer need to become a programmer to build things on the internet, empowering a new wave of makers from different backgrounds and perspectives."

Ryan Hoover, founder of Product Hunt, in The Rise of “No Code”  

In the early 1970s, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak exhibited the first Apple II at the First West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco. The Apple II boasted built-in BASIC programming language, color graphics, and a 4100-character memory for just $1298. Programs and data could be stored on an audio-cassette recorder (remember those?!). Before the end of the fair, Wozniak and Jobs had secured 300 orders for the Apple II and from there Apple just took off.

Tandy Radio Shack and IBM weren’t far behind, quickly producing their own consumer-targeted computers. 

What united all three machines, though, was their complete lack of a visual interface. Everything happened in the equivalent of the command line. That limited the new home computer’s utility to the technically savvy: people capable of using BASIC to write and execute their own home-rolled programs and share them with others. 

It wasn’t until 1984 that the true potential of the computer was unleashed, again by Apple, with the first iteration of the Macintosh. 

What set it apart? The graphical user interface (or GUI, for short). And a little thing we now call the mouse. 

Enter the visual interface

It’s probably wildly obvious why the visual interface (or GUI) changed everything, but just to make sure we’re all on the same page: 

It democratized the computer by lowering the knowledge barrier between the average person and daily use. Instead of having to code your own programs — or use those others shared, but still had to know how to install — you could suddenly just fire up your machine and start clicking. It didn’t completely remove the barrier to entry, of course. Digital literacy courses continue to run in schools all over the world, and they’re becoming increasingly valuable in the era of “fake news.” 

But it’s also radically easier to learn and use a computer when it’s all visual. You can click around and see what happens. 

In what amounts to a blink in a historical timeframe, the computer went from a specialist tool usable by only a fraction of the world to something literally anyone with vision and a modicum of manual dexterity could employ regularly. (This is not to downplay the significance of those remaining barriers to entry. They’re wildly important and something we’re still working on addressing properly.) 

If you’re at all familiar with Webflow, this might start to sound familiar. We’re essentially trying to move a text-based interface model to a visual (GUI) one. 

What does this have to do with the “no code” movement? 

The brief history lesson above was included to contextualize the no code movement, which essentially consists of a series of emergent tools that aim to transform typically code-based workflows and empower anyone to handle them, without writing code. Hence the name. 

If you ask many people in the worlds of design, startups, and tech, you’ll encounter some who are discomfited by the movement. That’s natural. Change is hard. 

But from a historical viewpoint, it’s just the latest iteration of what increasingly seems like a natural arc in the development of any technology. What begins with highly specialized toolkits and knowledge bases is gradually expanded, simplified, and designed to be simpler and more accessible. 

Just look at the history of printing and its business outgrowth, publishing. What began in pre-common-era China hit Europe in the late middle ages and radically transformed culture, making the transmission of knowledge dramatically easier than the manuscript model. But it still required expensive equipment and knowledge that required years of training to properly apply. As printing evolved, the equipment became increasingly simpler and more portable, with platen presses, phototypesetting, and eventually, desktop publishing. 

Fast forward to today, and literally anyone can write and publish a book, pop it on Amazon, and achieve worldwide exposure, with potential audiences in the billions

The business benefits of GUIs

Of course, technological development isn’t natural selection. Machines and software don’t evolve of their own accord. There’s always a business case behind such developments, and in the case of the arc toward GUIs, the business case is simple: 

The more people that can perform a task, the more efficiently and quickly it can be performed at scale. 

Today, web development is an incredibly specialized task requiring years of training, mastery of a broad set of tools and languages, and an ability to keep up with a technological landscape that changes literally daily. And marketing isn’t much different. The latter discipline has benefitted from a broader swath of no code tools, but the knowledge required to be effective in the space is still vast and ever-changing. Just think about how often Google changes how SEO works — often at a fundamental level. 

That’s why we set out to create this book. To help those looking to experience the benefits of no code for their own business, on both the web design and development and the marketing sides of the process. Later in the book, we’ll dig into how to succeed specifically with Webflow’s design and content management tools, but we’ve also aimed to make this book as broadly useful as possible. So even if you’re not ready to dive into Webflow, we think you’ll find value here. And if you don’t, we’d love to hear how we could do better! 

With all that out of the way, let’s talk about the benefits of the no code approach. 

Other resources

Free resources on responsive web design, freelancing, and more.

How AI optimization drives conversions for marketers

Evolving design systems

Strategies and future frontiers for web owners

Reimagining web development teams

Enabling cross-functional collaboration for success

Running a highly efficient marketing team

Tips and strategies from best-in-class organizations

A better site experience

Your guide to tackling website redesigns

The marketer’s website

How no-code puts your business first

No-code for enterprises

Why enterprises should build web experiences in a visual environment

The modern web design process

Learn how a well-defined process translates to high-performing websites.

The freelance web designer's guide

The missing guide to becoming —and making a living as— a freelance web designer.

Web design 101

The future of the web is in your hands. Learn how to build it right.