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Explore commonly used web design and web development terms.
A Webflow element that displays graphical files on your website.
Image field
Available in CMS Collections. With this field, you can upload images from your computer and use them as dynamic items in your individual Collection item.
Inheritance describes a principle where child elements adopt the style properties of parent elements.
Inheritance dropdown
A dropdown menu that displays all the selectors that affect a given element.
Inline Frame (iframe)
An inline frame is an HTML element that embeds an HTML document within another webpage.
Inline style
Inline style applies CSS to an individual HTML element using the "style" attribute within the HTML tag.
Input field
An HTML input field, represented by the syntax <input>, is a web page element where users input data, like text and numbers.
Interpolation is a mathematical process that estimates and creates new values based on known values and their relationship.
Item state
The default UI state for Collection lists, which displays the items in the Collection. It is the opposite of the empty state.
Short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG is a file format that uses lossy compression to maintain manageable file sizes without compromising image quality.
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a human-readable, lightweight format for recording, storing, and exchanging data.
Jank describes subpar functionality in a web interface that hinders or disrupts user activity.
Java is an object-oriented programming language for building dynamic, interactive web applications across platforms
JavaScript is a programming language web developers use to create dynamic interactions and effects for web pages and applications.
A key, or web key, is a unique identifier that authorizes access to a webpage or service.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keys on a computer keyboard that perform a specific action or command within an application or operating system.
Language code
A language code is a standardized code of letters and numbers that represent different languages.
Last published
The last time your site was published.
Last updated
The last time someone made a change to your site.
Network latency is the time data needs to travel from one point to another, impacting the responsiveness and speed of web applications and services.
Layout section
A tab in the Add panel that houses prebuilt layouts for your Webflow site.
Left To Right (LTR)
Left To Right (LTR) describes a text layout that starts from the left and proceeds to the right.
Left margin
Left margin is a CSS property that defines the space between an element's left edge and its surroundings.
Left padding
Left padding is a CSS property that defines the space between an element's left border and its content.
Left toolbar
The vertical bar of tools on the left side of the Webflow Designer. It holds the Add panel, Symbols panel, Navigator panel, Pages panel, CMS panel, Ecommerce panel, Assets panel, Settings panel, Site Activity log, Audits, Search, Video tutorials, and Help.
A ligature in typography groups adjacent letters or characters into one glyph.
A lightbox displays content in a popup or modal window on top of a web page’s main content.
A link, short for hyperlink, is a clickable website element that enables navigation between different web resources.
Link block
A link block operates much like a div block, an HTML element for grouping and organizing other HTML elements (like text, images, and forms) into block-level containers. But in the case of a link block, what’s inside the block becomes a link.
Link field
A link field is a form input field that enables you to add links to your designs dynamically. You can connect a link field to text links, buttons, or other link elements to turn them into active links.
An element that contains ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) lists.
List item
A list is a Webflow element that displays multiple pieces of content in a structured, visually appealing way. The individual elements that make up the list are called list items.
In JavaScript, literals are fixed values written directly into the code.
Localization (l10n) involves adapting digital content and applications to meet a specific region or culture’s language and conventions.
Locked site
When you have more unhosted sites in your Dashboard than your Workspace plan allows, those additional sites past your limit will be “locked” until you upgrade your plan. When you upgrade, you’ll be allowed more unhosted sites (up to the limit for your Workspace plan) and will be able to access your previously locked sites.
Made in Webflow
Made in Webflow showcases Webflow sites made by individuals and teams.
A Webflow element that embeds an interactive Google Map in your site.
Margins are an essential spacing element of web design, dictating the amount of whitespace between a box and its surroundings.
Maximum height (max height)
The “max-height” CSS property defines an element’s maximum height.
Maximum width (max width)
The “max-width” CSS property defines an element’s maximum width.
Media query
A media query is a CSS technique that applies different styles to a website or an app based on the characteristics of the device displaying it, such as screen size, resolution, and browser viewport.
Media section
A section of the Add panel that holds multimedia elements like images, video, and Lottie animation.
Meta description
An HTML attribute you can use to give a short description of the contents of a webpage. Search engines often display this in results pages (SERPs).
Meta keywords
Meta keywords are words or phrases you can include in your web page's metadata.
Meta title
A meta title is an HTML element that defines a web page's title and appears in browser tabs and search snippets on search engine results pages (SERPs) as a clickable headline.
Micro conversion
Micro conversions are small but important user actions on a website that contribute to the overall conversion funnel.
Middleware is software that links different programs and applications, allowing them to interact and communicate effectively.
Minified code
Minified code refers to the process of removing unnecessary characters and whitespace from the source code file without affecting its functionality.
Minimized CSS
A method of lowering the file size of your stylesheet(s) by removing all white space from your CSS files.
Minimum height
The min-height CSS property defines an element’s minimum height.
Minimum width (min width)
The min-width CSS property defines an element's minimum width. This can be defined in absolute terms (pixels) or relative terms (ems, rems, percentages, viewport-height, or viewport-width).
Mobile (landscape) breakpoint
A Webflow canvas setting that lets you create styles for viewports with a minimum width of 480px and a maximum width of 767px. Also known as the mobile landscape media query.
Mobile (portrait) breakpoint
A Webflow canvas setting that lets you create styles for viewports with a minimum width of 240px and a maximum width of 479px. Also known as the mobile portrait media query.
Modal window
A modal window (or modal) is a web element that displays above all content and restricts user interaction until it’s manually dismissed.
Multi-reference field
A CMS field used in Collections. Just like a reference field, the multi-reference field lets you reference other Collections in your site. But it’s even more powerful, as it lets you reference multiple items within a Collection instead of just 1 item.
In JavaScript, mutable objects are dynamic elements that allow post-creation changes and modifications.
A navbar, or navigation bar, is an interactive user element with a menu or a set of links to a website’s main sections.
A navigator, or a navigator window or panel, is a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides an overview of a website's structure and layout.
Network Address Translation (NAT)
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a technique that enables communication between devices with private internet protocol addresses and the public internet.
Node title
The type of element you're working with, i.e., H1, link, button, etc.
“Null” represents the absence of a value or the presence of invalid objects in computer science and web development.
Number field
Available in CMS Collections. It lets you insert an integer with or without decimals.
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming approach that organizes code into self-contained units of data, functions, and behavior.
Optimization is a systematic approach to improve a website's appearance, functionality, and visual appeal to enhance the user experience, improve search engine rankings, and achieve business objectives.
A web app that helps you measure how different site designs impact user behavior.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
PNG, short for Portable Network Graphics, is a lossless image format known for its transparency support and quality retention after compression.
Padding is a CSS property defining the space between an element's borders and its content.
Page name
The title of a page in your site. This is visible in the Pages panel.
Page settings
You can manage your site pages within Page settings. Here, you can rename, duplicate, delete, or save pages as drafts. You can also set SEO, Open Graph, and site search settings, as well as insert custom code. Additionally, you can set RSS settings for Collection pages.
Pages panel
A panel in the left toolbar where you can add static pages and folders to your Webflow site. You can also manage and access Utility pages and Collection pages.
Paginate items
This checkbox allows you to enable or disable pagination on the selected Collection list.
Pagination settings
Through the pagination settings, you can preview Collection list pages by choosing the page number from the page dropdown list, or you can switch to the previous or next page using the arrow keys.
A typography element used for displaying multi-sentence text content.
A parameter is a programming variable or value that transfers data between functions.
The element directly above in the hierarchy tree.
Parent folder
A parent folder is a directory containing one or more folders and files.
Password protection
Password protection is a security feature restricting certain website areas to authorized users, requiring a secret phrase or key to access them.
A measurement unit relative to an element's parent.
A pixel (px) is the smallest unit of measure in a digital image or display, representing a single point of color or light.
Plain text field
A plain text field is an input field for short-form text without formatting or styling.
A plugin, also called an add-on or extension, is a software component that enhances the host or browser or application by adding new features or capabilities to it.
Position section
A section in the Style panel that houses CSS properties related to the positioning of an element.
Prefetch is a technique that proactively loads and caches resources to improve website performance and user experience.
Preview mode
A feature that allows you to see how your site would be displayed in a browser without needing to publish your site or leave the Designer.
A primitive is the simplest JavaScript data type, representing fundamental values that do not encapsulate any object, method, or property.
Product attribute
Product attributes are specific characteristics that define purchasable merchandise or commodities and provide relevant information to customers.
Profile settings
The area where you can manage your profile, email settings, and security settings.
Pseudocode is a simplified, informal representation of programming code that outlines a program’s structure and logic without strict syntax.
Public site
A Webflow site that is publicly visible in your public profile and in Made in Webflow search results.
Publish destination
The specific domain or subdomain where your Webflow site is displayed.
Publish site
The act of updating your live site to reflect new design changes.
Python is a high-level, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language (GPL).
RGB (Red-Green-Blue)
RGB, an acronym for Red, Green, Blue, is a color model that screen displays use to represent various colors.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web format that automatically distributes frequently updated content to subscribers, eliminating the need for subscribers to check the website manually to stay up to date.
Radio button
A radio button is a form element for selecting one option from a predefined set of mutually exclusive choices.
Read-only link
A way for others to test/debug your Webflow site in the Designer without being able to save or make permanent changes.
Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a standardized network protocol for transmitting real-time multimedia data like audio and video.
Receipt emails
Email confirmations you receive upon making Webflow payments.
To move forward one step while making changes to a Webflow site.
Reference field
A CMS field used in Collections. This powerful field allows you to link to other Collections within your website to populate fields in Collection lists and Collection pages.
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