JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a human-readable, lightweight format for recording, storing, and exchanging data. It’s a subset of JavaScript containing fewer objects and properties, providing a quick and effective way to present code as text that both humans and machines understand. 

Web developers typically use JSON for transferring data between different systems, such as the internet, mobile applications, and web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Its simplicity and versatility offer a standardized method of data representation.

Consider a web page displaying a car collection. Each car has a brand, model name, and color. You can use JSON to display the information like this:


  "cars": [


      "brand": "Toyota",

      "model": "Corolla",

      "color": "silver"



      "brand": "Tesla",

      "model": "Model S",

      "color": "red"



      "brand": "Ford",

      "model": "Mustang",

      "color": "yellow"




In this example, cars are the class, while the curly brackets {} represent objects like brand, model, and color and their corresponding values.

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