11 one-page website examples to inspire you

11 one-page website examples to inspire you

With one-page websites, the sky's the limit for the mindful designer. Here are 11 fresh website examples that demonstrate the unique appeal of one-pagers.

11 one-page website examples to inspire you

With one-page websites, the sky's the limit for the mindful designer. Here are 11 fresh website examples that demonstrate the unique appeal of one-pagers.

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Written by
Naja Wade
Naja Wade
Naja Wade
Naja Wade

Websites don’t have to be complex to be effective. Sometimes, less is more.

While there’s nothing wrong with multipage site, a well-designed one-page website can really pack a punch. Whether it’s a personal website, online portfolio, or business microsite, single-page websites can provide a smooth and simple user experience.

Why make a single-page website?

The concise nature of a one-page design can work in your favor. Single-page websites typically provide faster site speed and performance. Fewer pages means less real estate to consider, so you can focus all your creativity and content into a single captivating experience. Whether you build from scratch or use a template, you can incorporate animations and visual motifs, and strategically use typography, color combinations, and spacing throughout your design. 

If you're building or designing a website with a lot of information or products, a multipage website may be the best route. But if you're creating short-form content or designing an online portfolio, a single-page website gives you the opportunity to showcase your storytelling and brand. Effective single-page websites combine beautiful design, usability, and compelling messaging.

11 one-page website examples to inspire you

Here are 11 standout one-page website examples featuring eye-catching design and structure — each made with Webflow.

1. Get Structure

Screenshot of the Get Structure one page website.

Founded by Mike Rowan and Isaac Saldana, Get Structure is a financial operations and bookkeeping SaaS start-up that “helps early-stage businesses achieve operational excellence and growth.”

Brilliantly designed by the creative agency Digital Surgeons, Get Structure is a beautiful one-page website, an ideal example to draw inspiration from for start-up and business websites in the financial or software sector. The one-page layout, sans serif fonts, color scheme, and pastel, glass-like 3D visual elements evoke a sense of balance and effortless ease in the site visitor, prompting the idea that “with structure comes excellence (and relief).”

The copy's brevity, click-to-toggle headers, click-to-reveal, and hover-to-reveal body copy add to the one-pager’s sense of structure and ease, further evoking the brand's positioning of helping businesses achieve operational excellence and growth.

2. Actor's Portfolio (Webflow cloneable)

Screenshot of the Actor's Portfolio single page website.

Reminiscent of works by painter Piet Mondrian, Actor's Portfolio is a bold and fun single-page Webflow cloneable. The portfolio website's one-page layout, stark lines, typeface, and color scheme create an eye-catching design, incorporating playful undertones often associated with theater and improv; this is an actor's portfolio, after all. 

The logical flow of Actor's Portfolio is simplistic and straightforward, with different sections for About, Resumé, Gallery, Reels, Testimonials or Press, and Contact. This single-page website is ideal for any creative looking for a portfolio website with an eye-catching yet uncomplicated design.


Screenshot of the Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day one page website.

The Amsterdam Chemistry Innovation Day is an annual event hosted by the Amsterdam Chemistry Network, the University of Amsterdam, and AIMMS, Amsterdam's molecular research accelerator.

Designed by the incredibly talented strategic design studio Creative Mules, this single-page event website is a standout. Featuring a cheerful periwinkle-and-white color scheme and sans serif fonts, ACID's one-page website feels youthful and forward, reflecting both its audience and initiatives. A rotating 3D gemstone overlays the center screen of the initial fold, enticing appeal while creating quite a memorable impression.

Including interactive elements such as a dynamic navigation menu, on-hover micro-animations, and scroll-triggered parallax effects further enhances the site's dynamism and event's allure. This design approach makes the site and, thus, the coming event feel exciting and worthwhile, an event worth attending for the aspiring student chemist.

4. Juan Mora

Screenshot of the Juan Mora's one page portfolio website.

Juan Mora's portfolio functions as a perfect “placeholder” website for individuals or agencies within the creative domain. Whether you're an agency or freelancer, your site is under construction or coming soon, or you simply need a one-page website to consolidate your work from other platforms, let Juan's one-page portfolio website inspire you.

Upon redirecting to the one-page website, a brief bio and credentials greet site visitors with Behance, Dribbble, and Instagram linked below. Juan's approach to design and inclusion of on-hover microinteractions and scroll-triggered animations wonderfully demonstrates his creative expertise, with an added touch of personal flair. Give this one-pager a scroll to see Juan's cheekily designed, scroll-triggered copy, animations, vector illustrations, and more.

Juan shows us that your site's design can still retain your branding, personality, work samples, social media, and more, even if the site is still a work in progress. 


Screenshot of the one page website. is a ready-to-use microinteractions library designed and developed by Ireland-based Webflow designer and developer Hafiz Manzoor.

The library's landing page features a single-page layout with a stark black-and-yellow color scheme and sans serif typography. The opening folds lay out the what and how behind the platform, with calls to action to “Get Lifetime Access” accompanying graphics, iconography, and copy. Testimonials, a section for pricing, and FAQs follow, concluding with a final CTA.

If you have a digital or single product that needs a landing page, let’s one-page website design inspire you.

6. Ribalta

Screenshot of the Ribalta resturant's single page website.

Ribalta is a beautiful single-page restaurant website with every visual element having a place in this clean design. A smooth parallax scroll provides micro-animations and movement, drawing the eye to images of a beautiful, brightly lit restaurant and delicious pizzeria dishes. 

The chosen color scheme, typefaces, and fonts tie the design together, and the added load screen furthers the site's tasteful look and feel. The team behind the Ribalta website design did a fantastic job maintaining simplicity without compromising on design.

7. DesignCraft

Screenshot of DesignCraft's one page website.

DesignCraft is a premium design and creative service provider led by Product Designer Jennifer Janosi. While the one-pager's layout follows the standard landing page formula — about, what, work, pricing, FAQs, and closing CTA — what truly stands out is Jennifer’s attention to detail.

The chosen color palette feels affirming, fun, and trustworthy; the colorful, misshapen circle motifs further cement this feeling. The scroll-to-reveal navigation menu, click-to-reveal drop-downs, and header toggles allow the single-page website to maintain a clear structure and order without compromising on design.

The sans serif typography, micro-animations, and other on-hover and scroll-triggered interactive elements further this notion, demonstrating Jennifer's creative talent and expertise in a single design. DesignCraft is an excellent one-page website example from which to draw inspiration for design and other creative services, agencies, or studios.

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Unleash your creativity on the web

Use Webflow's visual development platform to build completely custom, production-ready websites — or high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code.

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8. Master Gorgeous UI Design

Screenshot of Pablo Stanley's Master Gorgeous UI Design course landing page.

The team behind Pablo Stanley's Master Gorgeous UI Design landing page doesn’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk, and it’s wonderfully demonstrated in this one-page website example's delightful design.

A true visual treat, Master Gorgeous UI Design features a clean layout with scroll-triggered parallax effects and on-hover microinteractions. The copy is concise, with each fold depicting the course's offer and instructor's credentials, concluding with testimonials, social proof, and a CTA image overlay.

The white space is beautifully balanced with colorful accents and the occasional emoji, creating excitement around the site's design and, by extension, Pablo's upcoming UI design course.

9. Musab Hassan

Screenshot of the Musab Hassan's one page portfolio website.

If you're looking for a one-pager portfolio website with a more reserved yet sophisticated look and feel, let web developer Musab Hassan's portfolio website inspire you.

Musab's arrangement of white space, copy, and imagery, along with stylized imagery, serif headers, scroll-triggered parallax effects, and soft charcoal-and-white color palette, elevates the one-page website design, creating a portfolio that feels not only professional but ethereal.

Essential portfolio elements, such as work samples, are readily available, neatly side by side, with the content tucked away behind a “View” CTA.

10. Atoms

Screenshot of the Atoms app one page website.

Based on James Clear's New York Times best-selling book, Atomic Habits, the Atoms app landing page boasts a beautiful, familiar design. Optimized for web and mobile, the stripped-down, minimalist design uses white space, interchanging serif and sans serif typefaces, rudimentary illustrations, and simplistic language to appeal to the app's target audience while explaining its why.

Scroll-triggered micro-animations add a sense of love and care to the landing page's design. Boulder-like illustrations serve as visual motifs, representing building blocks, a nod to the book and the now app's branding. If you're designing a landing page for an upcoming app and need some inspiration, you can draw a thing or two from Atoms’s design.

11. Café Frida

Screenshot of Café Frida's single page website.

Cafés and other artisan brands can take a page from Cafe Frida's book, as their one-page site is quite the beauty. Upon redirecting to Café Frida’s website, illustrated daisies blossom onto your screen with the café's stylized logo tucked neatly in the center screen. As you scroll, the daisies recede to the four corners of your screen, framing the one-page site while serving as a visual motif.

Co-owners Gabrielle Cossette and Emmanuel Salib's passion for the arts and food is evident through the single-page website's visually pleasing color scheme, high-quality cuisine photos, and detailed food descriptions — the added load screen coffee illustration furthers this notion.

If you're looking for creative ways to build a start-to-end brand experience, take a page from Cafe Frida's book. From finding their website via social media or Google to the actual in-person visit, Cafe Frida isn't just a place to stop for a meal; it's an experience, and that experience starts with this beautifully designed single-page website.

How to create your one-page website (and what to include)

Whether you build from scratch or use a template, you should first define your one-page website’s purpose, audience, goals, messaging, and visual structure. Next, determine your site’s color schemes, typography, and imagery. What visuals best support the site’s message and narrative structure? How will you appeal to your audience visually? What colors capture your site’s messaging and branding? Questions like these can allow you to determine your site’s visual identity and branding.

Once your site’s visual identity and branding are determined, you can begin constructing its narrative structure. Determine the different sections of your site’s narrative structure or folds by circling back to your site’s overall purpose, audience, and goals.

Feeling inspired?

The key to a beautifully designed one-page website is the effective use of white space and page structure. Create a consistent balance by anchoring links, using click-to-reveal and on-hover toggles, swatches, and so on — again, the sky's the limit with one-pager websites.

If these beautiful one-page website examples sparked some ideas, why not get started on your own design? Use this as an opportunity to challenge and surprise yourself and use your creativity. Grab a one-page website template or cloneable to get going, or start building from scratch with Webflow.

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Build completely custom, production-ready websites — or ultra-high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code. Only with Webflow.

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Unleash your creativity on the web

Build completely custom, production-ready websites — or ultra-high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code. Only with Webflow.

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Last Updated
April 26, 2024
Unleash your creativity on the web

Build completely custom, production-ready websites — or ultra-high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code. Only with Webflow.

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