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See the latest Webflow feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes.
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Tiny but mighty updates

Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like with over a dozen field types.

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Easily filter dynamic content to display featured content or all blog posts on a particular topic. Or use sorting to display content from a specific date range, by alpha, and more.

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October 7, 2015

When you create a Collection, Webflow automatically generates a template page so you can design how that content displays. Then that template gets applied to every item in the Collection — letting you create hundreds or even thousands of pages — at once. 

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October 7, 2015

The most flexible component for content, rich text lets you and your content editors: create long-form text content; style that content with headings, bold, and italics; create bulleted and numbered lists; and embed images and video.

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When the search spiders start crawling, they like to have a sitemap. You know, so they know where they're going. That's why Webflow automatically builds one for you.

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August 21, 2015

Improve your content's performance on social media by defining your page's Open Graph title, description, and image. 

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When a website's slow to load, visitors bounce. That's why Webflow offers the fastest hosting on the internet via our Tier 1 Content Delivery Network, Amazon Cloudfront, and Fastly.

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April 23, 2015

Upload all your website’s graphic assets, then drag and drop them in place. It’s kinda like having Dropbox right inside your design tool.

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April 13, 2015

Webflow's integration with Zapier lets you connect your website's forms with tons of other apps designers use every day, including Slack, MailChimp, and Asana.

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January 20, 2015

Build your personal brand and reputation in the Webflow community by sharing your latest and greatest websites.

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Let others clone your latest website design — or clone and tweak others' work to kickstart your next site.

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January 20, 2015

Every Webflow account comes with a public design portfolio and profile where you can highlight your latest and greatest work, list your skills, and link to a personal website.

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August 9, 2014

Don't want the world to see your next beautiful website just yet — or even just a single page? Set up password protection on your entire Webflow site, or a single page, with a single click. Then design your password page to match your site to a T.

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August 9, 2014

Every time you change a page's URL, it's vital that you redirect the old URL to the new one. That way, you get to keep the old URL's SEO juice (and don't have to hit users with a 404 page). And Webflow makes it easy.

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August 5, 2014

Add long lists of links or options to your website with a double-click.

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Create immersive full-screen displays for your photos, graphics, and videos. Link several lightbox components together to create engaging galleries.

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July 18, 2014

Put your brand — or your client's — front and center in form submission notification emails.

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June 4, 2014

Webflow's tabs component offers an easy and elegant way to build navigation, compactly display content, and much more.

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Use any font from Google and Typekit’s vast collections, or just upload any font you own or have the right to use.

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Kickstart your design process with a free or premium responsive website template built by us or one of our trusted designers. 

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Turn repeating design elements (like buttons) into Symbols you can place with a click. Need to make a change? Just edit the Symbol once, and it'll update across your site.

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April 16, 2014

Easily add complex interactions and animations to your site, without even looking at JavaScript. 

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Helping your customers recover from a 404 (page not found) error is key to creating a good user experience. That's why we let you create a custom 404 page design. Just create a page with the slug "404" to get started! 

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January 17, 2014

Our MailChimp integration lets you automatically build your email subscription list.

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Building a responsive navbar can be a painstaking time-suck. That's why we built a mobile-ready nav you can just drag, drop, and quickly customize.

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December 14, 2013

Webflow's slider component makes it easy to create a stunning carousel of images, content, and more.

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November 16, 2013

Make it easy for people to share your content and connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ with our customizable social components. 

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November 6, 2013

Just drag and drop our interactive Google map component wherever you want it, then enter your address in the component's settings.

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Our forms contain all the elements you need, and they're infinitely customizabile. Plus, they're easy to integrate with MailChimp and Zapier to help you automate your list building. 

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When it comes to web publishing, the last thing you want to do is launch unapproved content, or functionality that breaks your site. That's why we give you a staging site on Publish with confidence. Design without fear.

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