
Experimental support for the Designer in Firefox

We’re now opening up access to the Designer in all modern browsers. Read our update for more details on what to expect and how to help our research.


Experimental support for the Designer in Firefox

We’re now opening up access to the Designer in all modern browsers. Read our update for more details on what to expect and how to help our research.


Experimental support for the Designer in Firefox

We’re now opening up access to the Designer in all modern browsers. Read our update for more details on what to expect and how to help our research.

If you’ve tried using the Designer in Firefox, you’ve seen a message that lets you know your site’s changes won’t be saved — instead advising you to use Chrome or Safari. For many of you, this has prompted the question, “what gives?”

Well, here’s what gives: when we began work on the Designer, we ran into an old scrollbar issue (and a few others) in Firefox that made things go a bit haywire. But, as our founder Vlad (the guy who built the first iteration of the Designer) has written:

We now have some JavaScript-based workarounds to avoid rendering native scrollbars, and it should theoretically be possible to provide Firefox support if there's enough demand for it.

And so, in an effort to help us expand browser support for the Designer, we’re no longer blocking access to the Designer in Firefox, Edge, and other modern browsers.

Everything should save properly and work mostly well, but here’s where we need your help: as you are working in Firefox, please report any unexpected issues you run into in the experimental browsers category of our forum.

And at the same time, please vote for Firefox Designer support on the Wishlist if you’d like to see us move this project up in our development queue.

As always, thanks for your help!

Launched on
November 27, 2018
Made in Webflow