
Unlock greater scale with increased pages

Following a series of foundational improvements, we’ve unlocked higher page limits for all customers.


Unlock greater scale with increased pages

Following a series of foundational improvements, we’ve unlocked higher page limits for all customers.


Unlock greater scale with increased pages

Following a series of foundational improvements, we’ve unlocked higher page limits for all customers.

We’re committed to empowering our customers to scale their businesses on Webflow, and today we’re excited to announce that we’ve raised page limits for all customers. 

At no additional cost, anyone on a paid Site plan can now scale their website up to 150 static pages. And, if you’re on the Enterprise plan, you can scale well beyond that.

This follows a series of foundational improvements in both the Designer and in publishing to allow customers to build larger and more robust sites –without compromising performance or the end user’s experience. 

Read our blog post to learn more about this announcement, how we unlocked higher page limits, and what we’re working on next.

Launched on
June 13, 2023
February 1, 2024