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Tiny but mighty updates

June 29, 2017

Ever wanted to copy styles from one element, apply them to another, and make a few tweaks — without altering your original class? Well now you can, by duplicating a class in one click.

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Now you can search our help center and contact support right from the Designer, so you can find the help you need without interrupting your workflow.

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Now you can delete, archive, and draft multiple (or all) Collection items at once in the Designer and the Editor.

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Now Webflow automatically minifies your JavaScript on publish, so your sites load that much faster. You can also turn this on and off on a per-project basis.

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Now when you buy a new domain from Google in your project settings, you can set up Gmail, Google Drive, and the rest of G Suite in just a few clicks.

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You asked, you waited, and now it’s here. Now you can upload and link to six (yes, six!) new types of documents within the Designer.

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Due to some recent changes from the Google Maps team, you’ll need to register your own Google Maps API key and add it to your projects that use the Maps component. But don’t worry — maps are still free for up to 25,000 map loads per day.

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May 11, 2017

The more projects you're working on, the harder it gets to find the right one in your dashboard. So we made it easier to organize everything, with folders.

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Now you can add items to a Collection directly from a CSV. So now migrating sites from another platform to Webflow is easier than ever.

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If you’re working with the CMS API, you can now publish items individually — without publishing your entire site.

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April 6, 2017

We made a few tweaks to flexbox UI in the Styles panel that should make using flexbox simpler and more intuitive.

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April 3, 2017

Starting now, your sites' Webflow.js files will only include the JavaScript you need for your components and interactions, so your sites will load that much faster.

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Due to a new Google Maps policy, you’ll now see a generic map in the Designer when you use the Map element. But don’t worry: the real map will still display on your published site.

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Since December, you’ve been able to create your own webhooks using the CMS API. Now you can create them in your Project Settings too, under the Integrations tab.

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You may have noticed some features moving around under your Project Settings. Here’s a quick summary of what’s different.

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March 14, 2017

There’s a new place to find the best of the best Webflow designers, freelancers, and agencies: Webflow Experts.

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March 14, 2017

Now we automatically add class names based on element type when you start styling. You can still add and name new classes just like before, but with this new workflow, you should be able to build a bit faster.

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March 8, 2017

We made a bit easier to rename your classes, which you can now do with a little dropdown menu, or by double-clicking the class.

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March 8, 2017

We’ve moved the asset manager to the left sidebar — alongside the Add, Pages, and Collections panels — so now all the elements you add to your site live on the same side of the Designer.

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We now support Google’s Universal Analytics Tracking ID, because their Classic Analytics is being phased out. You can set your Universal Analytics Tracking ID under the Integrations tab of your Project Settings.

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March 6, 2017

We gave the Designer a new paint job and tweaked the UI in a few places. Full details available in our update notes.

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Now you can have up to 10 reference fields in your CMS Collections on Business hosting.

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February 23, 2017

Now you can create items for one Collection from the reference fields of another, making it quick and easy to create things like tags, authors, locations, or other smaller items on the fly.

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February 16, 2017

Now you can define key colors as global, so every instance of that color will update whenever you change it. It’s like Symbols, but for colors.

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Now everyone gets a grand total of 15 votes, the ability to vote up to 3 times per feature, and flexibility to change votes anytime.

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Now you can have up to 60 fields per Collection with Business hosting.

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January 25, 2017

Now you can push content to Webflow CMS from your favorite apps via Zapier — without writing code.

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January 13, 2017

Now you can set phone numbers and email addresses as field types in your CMS Collections.

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January 13, 2017

When we moved Symbols over to the Add panel last month, we also changed the design to feature Symbols in a grid. But that made it hard to read longer symbol names. So we fixed that.

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December 19, 2016

Now everyone can enable SSL for their Webflow hosting, so you can keep your site secure and your SEO optimized.

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December 19, 2016

The Webflow CMS REST API is open for business! Now you can add, update, and delete Items from Collections programmatically, right from your terminal.

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December 19, 2016

All sites with a hosting subscription can now set passwords for static pages and folders — and you can customize the design of your password page too!

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December 13, 2016

Chrome and Safari made some updates that caused some trackpad gestures in the Designer to navigate backwards, which was annoying. So we fixed that.

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Adding Symbols to your site from the right side of the Designer has felt a little strange for some time now, so we moved Symbols over to the Add panel, on the left of the Designer. We also made some tweaks to creating and unlinking Symbols.

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November 21, 2016

Now you can add an extra layer of security to your Webflow account by setting up two-factor authentication.

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We bumped the character limit for custom code from 5,000 to 10,000, which should help with Shopify’s updated embed code — and a whole lot more.

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Now you can redirect old URLs with question marks (?) and equal signs (=) to another path, making it easy to migrate old sites with complex URL structures.

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September 28, 2016

Some of you were seeing broken images on your exported sites when your file names had special characters, so we pushed a fix for all of that.

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September 21, 2016

We've made a few tweaks (and bug fixes) to the writing experience in the rich text editor that should make your life a bit easier, including new behavior with spaces and empty paragraphs.

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September 14, 2016

Webflow automatically scales and optimizes inline images for every device size, at every resolution.

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Want to speed up your design process with some lorem ipsum? Now you can generate dummy CMS items for new empty collections.

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Ever wanted to get super precise with the Bezier curves of your CSS transitions? Well, now you can with a whole new way to customize these animations.

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We've made a few tweaks under the hood to improve speed in the Designer (especially for sites with a large number of styles). Adding and deleting elements, adding styles to classes, and several other core operations should now work a lot quicker.

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Duplicate SEO metadata values are not the best idea for ranking in search, so we’ve removed these from your global Site Settings. For the best SEO, set unique titles and descriptions for each page of your site in the Designer's Pages panel.

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June 29, 2016

Earlier today, Google Maps made some (unexpected) changes that broke map components for some sites. But fear not! We pushed a fix, and once you republish your site, your maps will be up and running again. Read on for more details about how this change will affect map usage going forward.

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Ever tried to create a draft in the Editor without all the required content, only to be told you can't? Well, that's no longer a problem. As of today, you can create drafts with all the missing content you want, as long as it has a Name. Makes sense, right?

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June 6, 2016

We noticed some of you were having issues adding accents to your text and rich text elements, so we fixed that. Now you can use all the ácçêñts again!

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May 26, 2016

Need a custom domain for your website? Now you can buy one directly within Webflow, thanks to our friends at Google Domains. No need to mess with DNS, CNAMES, A-Records, or any of that technical stuff.

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CSS filters

CSS filters

May 19, 2016

Create beautiful effects by adding one or more of 8 CSS filters to any element of your Webflow websites inside the Designer.

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If you've ever created an interaction with Webflow, then had to change the class name of an element that interaction affected, you might've had a nasty surprise: a broken interaction. 

So we fixed that: from now on, when you change a class name, any related interactions will update automatically. So long, broken interactions!

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To date, creating and updating SEO, Open Graph, and RSS settings has been a designer’s job—insofar as you can only manage those key settings inside the Webflow Designer.

Today, we’re happy to say that’s no longer the case.

Because now you can access SEO, Open Graph, and RSS settings for all your static pages, Collections, and Collection items—right inside the Editor.

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If you have Webflow CMS hosting, you, your clients, and other Collaborators can now review incoming submissions from your website's forms right inside the Editor panel—plus download the whole list in a handy CSV file.

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Create an RSS 2.0 feed for any of your dynamic content Collections so people can subscribe to your content via reader apps like Feedly. You can also automate your email newsletter via MailChimp or set up RSS "zaps" with Zapier using your RSS feed URL.

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Webflow gives you a more powerful and intuitive way to build flexible, responsive layouts with CSS3’s flexible boxes.

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We had the technology. So we rebuilt it. We made it better, faster, stronger. Ok, maybe not stronger. But definitely faster.

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Like it says in the headline: blockquote elements can now dynamically pull in any of your Collection Fields' content.

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Every once in a while, when you were working with elements in Dynamic Lists, they'd jump around the canvas, or look empty even when they weren't. Thankfully, we can put that weirdness in the past tense now.

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So ... this is embarrassing. But for a while there, you'd be working in the rich text field, creating some awesome content, and you'd go to add a link or something and—blam!—you'd jump to the top of the Editor window. So weird. Gone now.

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Sometimes, you just need a few Collection Items to test a layout idea. Which used to mean laboriously copying and pasting content from one Item to another. But now it just takes a click!

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Sometimes, you hit a point in the design process where you just want to step back to square one—to clear out all your changes and start fresh with your template or cloned site. That's why, from now on, you'll always see the original design as an option in your site backup list.

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We revamped the Webflow Template Marketplace to take advantage of Webflow CMS's dynamic content capabilities. 

Plus, you can now open any Webflow template in the Webflow Designer so you can get a better sense of its features and how it was built—before you buy it!

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March 8, 2016

Add an autoplaying background video to your site with just one click.

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If you have a Webflow Pro plan or higher, you can now whitelabel your sites' JavaScript files, replacing instances of "Webflow" with the name of your site.

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Viewport-based units are super handy for responsive design, and while we've supported vh (viewport height) and vw (viewport width) for awhile now, we didn't support viewport minimum and maximum settings. So we added them. Handy, right?

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For awhile there, fonts from Google Fonts, Typekit, and your custom uploaded fonts weren't displaying correctly. Which was weird. I mean, how are you supposed to design for the web—which is, as they say, 95% typography—without proper font previews?

So yeah, we fixed that.

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Every rich text editor needs spellcheck. We knew that when we launched Webflow CMS and its on-page Editor. But for awhile there, our code forgot. Then we reminded it. And now those delightful red dots underlining misspelled words are back to haunt your nightmares, editors. Enjoy!

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March 1, 2016

So for a bit there, if you went to edit, copy, or otherwise interact with the URL field for a video in a lightbox, the URL field would show up blank. Even though you could see the video URL right there in the lightbox settings! So we fixed that.

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Clearing out a style in Webflow can be a bit of a chore — especially when you’ve set values for a dozen properties or more. Well, it used to be a chore. Because as of today, you can zero out a style with nothing more than an Alt/Option+Click.

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We'll admit it: we got a little overexcited when we added the Option field—the first new field for Webflow CMS since its launch. So excited we forgot to make it work with conditional visibility (which lets you show or hide content based on conditions you set). Then the dust settled, and we added conditional visibility support.

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February 22, 2016

Now you can quickly and easily add a solid or transparent color to the background of any element — which is great for increasingly the legibility of text overlaid on images.

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February 15, 2016

Specify how number fields in your CMS should be formatted, with the option to only accept whole integers or allow decimals of up to 8(.00000000) places.

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In the Forms section of your Site Settings, you can now customize the reply-to address of your form notification emails, or dynamically select a reply-to address based on information your users have provided.

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Add content and design faster! Now you can easily hop from the Editor to the Designer (and back again) without having to navigate to your Site Settings.

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Some of you ran into issues when trying to add more than 10 Dynamic Lists to a page, so we changed the limit to 20.

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Choose a timezone under your Site Settings to improve date/time-related features of your dynamic content, including relative date filtering. This will also update any date/time-related elements of your existing dynamic content.

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January 22, 2016

Need to double the width of that element? Now Webflow can do the math for you.

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January 20, 2016

Now you can randomize how Collection Items display in your Dynamic Lists.

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January 14, 2016

Everyone forgets passwords these days, but have no fear! Now your clients can request password reset instructions directly from the Editor.

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Sorting through your CMS collection items just got a whole lot easier! Quickly pull up a collection item by searching for it within the collection, or sort items by any field you choose.

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Now it's easy to embed over 300 types of video, music, and other multimedia links within rich text elements. Simply select the media type, paste in the link, and Webflow handles the rest.

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Forget writing meta titles and descriptions for every one of your blog posts. With Webflow, you just create a template for your SEO tags to follow, and we'll automatically generate search engine-friendly titles, descriptions, and Open Graph content.

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Want to add a "featured" flag to a certain blog post? How about an "on sale" banner for your most important ecommerce products? Now you can automatically set these display conditions based on fields in your CMS collection items, making it simple to highlight (or hide) items without having to customize the design for individual elements every time.

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December 14, 2015

Add a whole new dimension to your website designs with the first tool that lets you create 3D CSS transforms — without writing code.

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Now you can right click within the Designer to copy/paste an element, jump to an element's settings, select a parent element, and more.

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December 10, 2015

Replace the Webflow logo in the CMS with your logo, or your client's if you have a Professional or Team plan.

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December 8, 2015

Sometimes it's best to restrict the content for a certain field to a set of options, say, for example, with categories. So now you can.

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November 12, 2015

Bulleted or numbered, long or short, now you have the power to add lists within your rich text elements.

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You asked, and we delivered. Now you can filter a Dynamic List by Multi-Reference items to list content with a specific tag, attribute, or more.

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Filter a Dynamic List by date range or date relative to "today."

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CSS cursors

CSS cursors

October 30, 2015

Click, grab, move, zoom, resize, and much more. Customize your cursor based on the element you're hovering over.

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October 26, 2015

A massive wall of text can be a pain to work with or look at. Now you can break your text into columns and have that content flow around images, headings, and more.

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Now you can filter Dynamic Lists by a specific range of items, not just a specific amount. This works great for setting custom pagination across your site pages.

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October 20, 2015

Reorder fields in your Collections anytime with a simple drag and drop.

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Easily create "related posts" modules for your blog, guide users through in-depth tutorials, surface related help content and documentation, and build modular pages that highlight content from across your site. 

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With Webflow CMS, there's no need to learn a complex backend. Just open your website, log in to the CMS, and start updating text and images — right on the live website. 

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Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like with over a dozen field types.

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Easily filter dynamic content to display featured content or all blog posts on a particular topic. Or use sorting to display content from a specific date range, by alpha, and more.

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October 7, 2015

When you create a Collection, Webflow automatically generates a template page so you can design how that content displays. Then that template gets applied to every item in the Collection — letting you create hundreds or even thousands of pages — at once. 

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October 7, 2015

The most flexible component for content, rich text lets you and your content editors: create long-form text content; style that content with headings, bold, and italics; create bulleted and numbered lists; and embed images and video.

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