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See the latest Webflow feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes.
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Tiny but mighty updates

Conditional visibility has now been extended to support more Ecommerce use cases.

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You can now: control who receives new order notifications, easily resend an order’s confirmation email, and preview email designs with your store’s products.

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We’ve added a new tab to the Add panel filled with prebuilt layouts like hero sections, galleries, contact forms and more to help you get pages started faster.

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Following up on our addition of object-fit support, now you can precisely control the position of images within parent elements using object-position.

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Now you can preview, restore, and rename your site backups from the Designer, without needing to hop into the dashboard.

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December 19, 2019

Now you can use the object-fit property to control how images resize within parent elements, giving you a more accessible and faster-loading alternative to background images.

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Now you can create a faster, simpler checkout experience for items that don’t ship, like digital files and services.

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As the first in a series of steps toward support for larger breakpoints, we’ve added controls that let you resize the Designer canvas and preview how your site looks on larger devices.

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November 21, 2019

Now you can set custom easing curves for each step of your interactions, in addition to the existing preset options.

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Maximize your long-form content by enriching it with third-party embeds, HTML, CSS or even JavaScript.

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To reduce unexpected issues and confusion, we’re phasing out support for copying and pasting legacy interactions from one project to another at the end of this year. Interactions built with our current “2.0” system — launched in October 2017 — will continue to copy and paste as expected.

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Get all the pieces you need to create a polished online store in Webflow, including 2 unique, ready-to-launch templates.

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You can now offer another quick and flexible checkout option on your Webflow Ecommerce store.

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Using a new Additional Info element in your Add panel, you can customize three new field types to collect any info you want.

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Entrepreneurs in eight more European countries can now connect to Stripe and accept payments to their Webflow Ecommerce stores.

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Now you can go fully custom with the design of your form checkboxes and radio buttons (with the option to switch back to the default styling at any point).

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You can now add a unique set of images to each product variant using a new, default “More Images” field.

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We’ve made a small change to how you access class states and view where styles are being inherited from. Check out our update for a look at the change.

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With some help from Lottie, we’re bringing the power of After Effects to Webflow and unlocking a new realm of possibilities for animation on your sites.

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September 3, 2019

Now you can find the assets you need faster by searching based on file name in the asset manager.

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We added a new advanced text styling option (from the “white-space” CSS property) that lets you control how text flows within an element of a fixed width.

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Now, you can not only find and disconnect CMS connections, but also jump straight to the connected page or element from the connections manager.

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After two months of testing and feedback in beta, we’re now moving the navigator to the left side of the Designer for everyone.

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Now you can right-click on a div block to convert it to a link block (and vice versa).

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Drag and drop up to 25 images into a multi-image field in any CMS collection item or Ecommerce product to build and style dynamic galleries with ease.

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Define grid template areas to reuse grid layouts with ease — and make sweeping changes to recurring layouts in a fraction of the time.

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You can now connect the lightbox to your dynamic image and video fields, making it possible to create flexible galleries.

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Now you can enable and share a read-only link of your project right from the Designer to share with in-progress work with colleagues or clients.

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Now Team owners can lock projects from being deleted (or transferred) by their teammates to make sure important sites don’t get accidentally — or maliciously — removed.

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Now elements set to “display: none” have a handy icon next to them in the navigator so you can locate hidden elements more easily.

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Now you can better filter collection lists with multi-reference fields, making it easier to create related post and product lists based on multiple attributes like tags and categories.

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Now you can easily see all the pages, templates, and symbols that are tied to your collection content and quickly delete those connections with one click.

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May 21, 2019

We’ve made some major updates and improvements to grid layout in Webflow that makes designing responsive layouts even easier — including support for grid on collection and ecommerce product lists.

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May 14, 2019

We’re moving the navigator to the left side of the Designer, and adding the ability to pin and resize it. Try it out in beta today before we roll the change out for everyone.

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Now you can drag and drop your collections in the Designer or Editor into whatever order you’d like them to display.

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Now, you can add a password to your CMS collection pages to limit access to CMS content like blog posts, event pages, and more.

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Now you can edit the label and help text of the required “name” field in your collections.

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Now when you duplicate projects, you can include settings like 301 redirects, publishing options, and integration settings.

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Now when you open your site from the Designer publish modal, you’ll land on the page you’re viewing in the Designer

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Now you can send teammates links to a specific page in the Designer to make it clearer where you want their help or input.

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While those of you with Professional or Team plans have been able to whitelabel the Editor with your own logo for years, images and other assets have remained hosted on a webflow domain. So we fixed that: now when you enable whitelabeling for a site, your assets will live at a generic, unbranded URL.

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Now when you import CMS content via a CSV, images in rich text fields will be downloaded to your site directly. (No need to worry about preserving their previous storage locations.)

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Based on customer feedback, we’ve added the center element button back to the spacing section of the style panel, so you can quickly set “margin: auto” on elements to center them horizontally.

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Now you can adjust the values in input fields by holding down Option (on Mac) or Alt (on Windows) and dragging your cursor — no need to take your hand off the mouse. Learn more about this enhancement and a few other changes we've made this past week.

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Now you can enable Apple Pay and other Web Payments on existing checkout forms. For checkout pages created after today, Web Payments are added by default (with the option to remove them as well).

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February 21, 2019

Paste your Google Optimize container ID into the integrations section of your project settings to run A/B and multivariate tests on your pages with Google Optimize.

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February 19, 2019

The beta is over — and Webflow Ecommerce is now live. See everything that’s included in Webflow Ecommerce, what we’re working on next, and how Webflow stacks up against the competition.

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Let customers checkout faster with stored payment details from their browser, like Apple Pay on Safari or stored credit card details on Chrome and Edge.

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February 11, 2019

Now you can set Adobe Font (formerly Typekit) API keys on a per-project level. This means your clients can set up their own free Adobe Font accounts, then hand you the API key for use on their project.

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Now you can add product options like size, color, and material (or whatever else you have in mind) to sell multiple variants of the same product.

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Sync your ecommerce product catalog to Facebook, Instagram, and Google to run smarter ad campaigns and create more interactive social posts.

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Now you can put add to cart buttons within Collection Lists to let customers get to checkout faster — or create custom “quick view” modal experiences.

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January 17, 2019

We’ve made some small tweaks to the navigator panel to make it easier to see the structure of pages, especially on more complex pages.

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We’re rolling out a refreshed version of the style panel today — first in beta for the next month, then for everyone. Take a look at what’s changing, why, and what to expect during the beta.

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Layout & design

Position: sticky

Position: sticky

January 16, 2019

Along with the new style panel comes a new “sticky” positioning property, so you can fix elements at a certain position as you scroll down the page.

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We’ve added a new “compare-at price” field to your ecommerce products so you can highlight sale prices and showcase discounts.

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January 3, 2019

Sometimes you need to specify the type of good or service your products are to be fully tax-compliant. So we added a new option in your product settings to do just that.

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December 18, 2018

Now you can paginate collection lists, control how many items display per page, and style your own “previous” and “next” buttons.

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We’ve added new ecommerce triggers and actions to Zapier (and in our API) so you can connect your order fulfillment workflows and more with other apps.

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Ever been annoyed that you can’t publish your staging sites to an https URL? Well stop being annoyed, because that’s a thing of the past — now you can turn on SSL for your staging sites in your project settings.

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To help us collect better intel on potential bugs and issues around using the Designer in Firefox, we’re now opening up experimental access to the Designer in all modern browsers. Read our update for more details on what to expect and how to help our research.

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Webflow Ecommerce is now in beta for production stores. Take a look at what’s included in today’s release, what’s ahead, and how to get started building online stores with Webflow.

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November 6, 2018

We’ve added a new YouTube-specific element that offers a new level of embed customization, like hiding play controls, setting a start time, and limiting related videos to the same channel.

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October 30, 2018

Ready to level-up your grid game? We just added a 12-video course to Webflow University that shows you how to create a fully-responsive landing page using CSS grid.

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Now, you can resize grid columns, rows, and gaps with a simple click and drag — right on the canvas.

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October 18, 2018

We’ve just added support for grid in symbols — so now you can easily build (and reuse) repeating elements like footers, navs, and more with the power of grid.

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Ever had a payment to Webflow fail, but not known about it until it’s too late? Well, now you can turn on text notifications if one or more of your payments fails to make sure your accounts and sites keep running smoothly.

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Ever try pasting content from an external doc into a rich text field, only to see placeholder images show up? Well good news: that’s a thing of the past. Now, when you paste text and images into a rich text field, all your images will automatically be imported.

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The power of CSS grid — in a completely visual canvas. Start building with grid in Webflow today.

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October 4, 2018

We’ve added filters like blur, color inversion, greyscale, and more to the available effects in interactions, so now you can create even cooler effects on your sites.

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Now you can export your CMS Collections as CSVs to move content between sites or — if you must — between platforms.

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Quick find

Quick find

September 10, 2018

Ever wish you had an Alfred style search bar to move through the Designer faster? Wish granted. Meet quick find: an easy way to search for elements, symbols, pages, CMS content, and more in the Designer without leaving your keyboard.

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September 6, 2018

Now you can add the power of Facebook Analytics to your marketing campaigns — just add your Facebook pixel ID in the integrations section of your project settings.

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Now when you create a color swatch, it’ll be a global swatch by default. This should make it easier to keep your palette consistent across your site.

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Now you can change the URL path for your CMS Collection template pages after you create them. And as always, you can set up 301 redirects to keep your links running smoothly.

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August 22, 2018

Now you can set files as CMS Collection fields to add things like PDFs, DOCs, images, and more to a Collection item.

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Now you can toggle the visibility of CMS elements based on fields of referenced items.

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July 3, 2018

Add a file upload button to your forms to collect documents, images, media files, and more from your visitors. And of course, style that upload experience however you want. Now available for all sites with Business hosting.

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Now you can add a reCAPTCHA field to forms to make sure your submissions are brought to you by certified human beings.

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Publish your site without leaving the comfort of your keyboard: hit SHIFT + P to open the publish menu, then hit SHIFT + Enter to publish.

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Now you can search in the Symbols panel, so it's that much easier to find just the right Symbol. 

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As part of our GDPR-compliance efforts, we’re making two changes to forms: 1) We’re no longer supporting form functionality on newly exported sites, so you’ll need to find a third-party tool to handle your forms. 2) We’re updating the forms tab to allow you to hide form submissions that you shouldn’t see if you’re not the owner of a site you’re working on.

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Want to quickly pull up a page in the Designer from the pages panel? Now you can, with just a quick search.

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Now you can create a public profile for your Team account and feature your favorite sites in the Webflow showcase.

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Now you can quickly jump to the selector field to give new elements a class by hitting CMD + Enter on Mac (CTRL + Enter on Windows).

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In preparation for GDPR, we’re phasing out support for Webflow-powered forms on exported sites. Here’s a look at what’s changing, when, and how to prepare.

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April 23, 2018

Now you can set pages as drafts to hide in-progress work, internal facing pages, or anything else you don’t want site visitors (or Google) to discover.

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Now you can build new sites faster by reusing common layouts, interactions, and more across projects.

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Now you can show a custom description — and category — in your site search results, instead of the default snippet.

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Ecommerce is coming to Webflow — and building ecommerce sites will never be the same. Check out our announcement page for more details, and to sign up for the beta.

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We’ve added some long-awaited new features to Interactions 2.0 that should make reusing interactions across your project a whole lot easier.

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March 2, 2018

Ever wanted to update or add a new CMS item without publishing your entire site (and potentially breaking in-progress design changes)? Well, now you can.

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Now you have the option to anonymize the last digits of visitors’ IP addresses in Google Analytics, which lets you comply with certain privacy policies, or in some countries, recommendations from local data protection authorities.

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Want to style a link differently once it’s been visited? Now you can, using the new visited option in the states dropdown.

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January 9, 2018

Now you can add search, customize your search results page, and even control the content in your search engine — all in Webflow.

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January 2, 2018

Now you can quickly add pre-defined interactions and animations to your site with a just a few clicks.

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December 4, 2017

We’ve added support for Interactions 2.0 across Symbols and Collection Pages — along with a bunch of other fixes and enhancements.

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November 22, 2017

Now you can style the placeholder text in forms using the “placeholder” state on input fields.

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October 24, 2017

Timeline-based animations. Parallax scrolling. Mouse-based microinteractions. Now in Webflow. Experience Interactions 2.0 today.

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Now, Webflow automatically detects domains registered with GoDaddy, so connecting your GoDaddy registered domain to your Webflow site is easier than ever. No more CNAME configuration, no more A records to keep track of, no more headaches.

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