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See the latest Webflow feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes.
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Tiny but mighty updates

Now people within multiple Workspaces can set a default Workspace in their account settings to specify which Workspace they want to see when opening the dashboard.

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Today we’re giving Enterprise teams more design control with the ability to use and create custom animations on branches.

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In preparation for Google’s sunsetting of Universal Analytics, we’ve made some updates to our Google Analytics integration.

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February 8, 2023

Introducing a number of small but impactful updates including color swatch support, search, and some user experience optimizations.

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All Webflow ecommerce plans now benefit from unlimited sales volume. 

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As part of our continued work to make our CMS more scalable, we’ve made major performance improvements in the Editor for large websites.

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Today we’re giving Enterprise teams more power, control, and visibility with enhancements to page branching that improve the way your team collaborates on website updates.

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Enterprise customers can now customize the default domain of their sitemap.xml address to improve search engine indexing when connecting multiple sites via reverse proxy.

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Now you can utilize a range of font styles within a single typeface for greater precision over your site typography. Available in open beta.

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Membership sites now benefit from the ability to show and hide elements to logged in members. Available via the Memberships beta.

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Creator profiles now include listings for apps you have published to the Webflow Marketplace.

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Now clients can invite you to join their Workspace for free as a guest if you’re on the Freelancer or Agency plan.

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November 9, 2022

Now you can have multiple designers working in parallel on different pages with page branching — available today for Enterprise customers and Enterprise Partners.

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Thanks to our investments in scaling our CMS earlier this year, we’re increasing ecommerce and CMS item limits across Ecommerce Plus and Advanced plans.

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November 9, 2022

We’ve introduced a handful of key improvements to Symbols and renamed them to Components to reflect their new power and set the stage for what’s to come.

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Website management

Memberships beta

Memberships beta

November 9, 2022

We’re excited to announce that Memberships is now available in beta for all customers.

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November 9, 2022

All the documentation and resources developers need to be successful building on Webflow.

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November 9, 2022

An all-new home for all the Webflow products and services you need to bring your website to life.

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November 9, 2022

Introducing Creator profiles, a whole new look for your public Webflow profile.

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We’re unlocking a whole new level of scalability on the CMS for Enterprise customers.

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By continuing to use Webflow after October 14, 2022, you’ll be agreeing to comply with the terms.

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We’re updating our Site plan pricing to reflect the continued evolution of our platform, and offering new Workspace plans tailor-made for freelancers and agencies.

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On August 17, 2022, we updated our TLS hosting configuration to support TLS 1.3 — the most secure encryption protocol for modern browsers.

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To provide more flexibility with publishing options and reduce the need for full-site publishes, we’ve introduced new controls to publish and unpublish large sets of CMS items all at once.

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Save time and improve site performance with a built-in conversion tool that lets you both convert and replace existing images to the WebP format.

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Now you can upload and use WebP images to reduce image sizes and improve site performance.

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June 20, 2022

The Webflow Showcase has a new look — and a new name.

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With Microsoft officially ending support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) on June 15, 2022, Webflow will no longer be testing new features for IE11 compatibility.

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Preview different text size formats from the Designer for your page layouts to create a better reading experience for site visitors.

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Designers can now include a play/pause button in the background video element with options to loop or autoplay.

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Unpublish a CMS item without having to republish your entire site, saving yourself valuable time and effort when organizing your collection items. 

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You can now use the audit panel to detect ID duplications within symbol instances to avoid potential bugs.

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Users with content-heavy projects will now see a dramatic increase in how fast their sites publish, thanks to our continued investment in the Webflow CMS

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Webflow Enterprise customers and Enterprise Partners on Workspaces can now assign members of their team (or clients) the limited designer role – a new role that allows the user to build pages safely using existing designs, while restricting them from modifying existing classes and symbols.

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Now you can control the space between elements in flex layouts exactly like you would with CSS grid. 

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Now you can style text in the Designer and rich text fields in the Editor as subscript or superscript directly in the text formatting toolbar when building pages that require footnotes or formulas.

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Get live phone support for urgent questions and guidance — now available as one of our service level agreement options for Enterprise customers.

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To provide customers with a better long term payments solution and free up our engineering resources for core product improvement, we’re phasing out Client Billing and partnering with freelancing tool suite Bonsai to help customers switch clients to a new setup.

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Our latest CMS multi-item editing enhancements unlock updating items via CSV upload, or selectively bulk exporting collection items.

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No more memorizing all your project classes. Now you can search classes by their property, color, or name — all from the Style Manager.

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February 25, 2022

Following our SOC2 Type I report, Webflow’s additional Type II report is a signal of our organization’s investments in security controls that protect and defend customer data.

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Now your team can work in Webflow with confidence knowing that you can track the what, when, and who for important changes made to the site — now available for Webflow Enterprise customers and Enterprise Partners.

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Say hello to Workspaces, an upgraded way to work with your team. Workspaces simplify how you create and grow your teams and introduce brand new billing and publishing permissions to let you control how work gets done.

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Now you can hover over classes in the Style Manager to quickly see the CSS properties and styles within each.

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Now your content-heavy sites will load much faster in the Designer — thanks to foundational updates we’ve made around how CMS and Ecommerce collection items are loaded within the product.

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Outline styling and keyboard focus state allow you to add customizable outlines around an element for improved keyboard navigation without impacting the layout of your site.

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Earlier this morning we detected an issue that broke links for people visiting sites on iPads. We deployed an immediate fix and the issue has been resolved, but if you published your site recently and are noticing issues, simply republish your site to get everything working normally.

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Control the size of images your teammates and clients upload to the CMS by setting minimum/maximum and aspect ratio image size constraints for your Collection settings.

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Now you can see exactly which pages teammates are working on when you have multiple people inside the Designer — and even navigate directly to the elements they’re touching.

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After nearly one year in beta, we’re officially launching the Audit panel today with a handful of improvements that make improving your website accessibility even easier.

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Control how stacked element colors blend together and preview changes live with a new blending mode in the style panel — which brings the mix-blend-mode CSS property right into Webflow.

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Backdrop filters allow you to create blurring and color shifting effects to the area behind an element, bringing the backdrop-filter CSS property directly into Webflow.

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Map your forms directly to HubSpot to tightly integrate your site with your marketing automation platform — now available for Webflow Enterprise customers.

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We’ve recently shipped two small, but impactful, changes that will make it easier to view and edit code within your HTML embeds. Line wrapping is now the default option when using the Code Editor, and we've also added the option to work in full screen.

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Working with teams in Webflow just got a whole lot smoother. Take a look at all the new power we’re introducing for teams today and in the months to come.

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Map your Webflow forms directly to your Marketo setup to tightly integrate your site with your marketing automation platform — now available for Webflow Enterprise customers.

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We’ve added a handy search engine to the Showcase so you can quickly and easily find cloneables as well as inspiration for your next project.

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Webflow Enterprise customers can now upload custom SSL certificates to their sites for extra flexibility when configuring hosting.

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April 13, 2021

We’ve added a new setting to the style panel that lets you focus in on the properties section you’re currently working in by collapsing all other sections automatically.

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We've shipped an update that turns off a site's smooth-scroll feature if the site-visitor has "prefers-reduced-motion" enabled on their operating system or browser. Our goal is to reduce harm caused to individuals who are vulnerable to motion-induced illnesses.

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To bring our site plan limits more closely in line with customer usage patterns, we’re making a few changes to the number of form submissions and pageviews on our per-site hosting plans. Existing subscriptions will continue to enjoy their current limits.

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Streamlining your workflow with Webflow Ecommerce just got easier! Users can now view, fulfill, and manage orders effortlessly within the Designer without redirecting to the Editor.

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January 28, 2021

You asked, and we listened. The wait is finally over - we are thrilled to share the launch of Webflow Merch Store, powered by Webflow Ecommerce! Time to get your fit right and flex that no code pride.

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A new Vision Preview mode in the canvas settings lets you to simulate color blindness or focus impairments on your site’s design.

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We’ve created new A records to make sites load faster and reduce unnecessary redirects on your domain. Read more about how and why to make the switch.

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December 15, 2020

Now you can nest symbols within other symbols to build and maintain complex layouts more easily and efficiently.

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December 9, 2020

Today we’re introducing Webflow Enterprise: the power of Webflow backed by the security, scalability, and support that enterprises demand.

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Now you can see high-impact accessibility issues on your site with the new Audit panel in the Designer. Try it out in beta.

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Now you can map CSV content to reference fields when importing CMS content.

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Now you can better organize and manage assets within your projects by creating folders in the Assets panel.

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Now you can style product variant buttons for your store to create a frictionless shopping experience for your customers.

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Now you can enable link preloading to have prominently linked pages and assets load faster when a visitor clicks on them.

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You can now select various product types when setting up your store to automatically show or hide relevant fields during product creation.

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Now you can test your designs on the new iPhone 12 product line in the Mobile portrait breakpoint.

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In an effort to remove language from our product that perpetuates potentially racist or offensive terminology, we’ve replaced the phrase “master symbol” with “main symbol.”

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October 7, 2020

You now have more control over the promotions you run with start and expirations dates, free shipping, limited usage and more.

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Now you can uniquely style first, last, even, and odd items in ecommerce and CMS-driven Collection Lists.

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Now you can set the base canonical tag for your site to avoid duplicate content issues and tell search engines which version of your site pages to index.

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Now you can see the contrast ratio of text on your site and check its accessibility rating with a built-in color contrast section in the color picker.

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Enable smoother font loading by setting font display to “swap” to prevent flashing of invisible text when pages load.

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We’ve added new controls for managing image alt text that let you more efficiently and thoroughly ensure your website images are screen reader accessible.

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To help your sites load faster, we’ve made all new images “lazy load” by default, meaning they load when they appear on the screen. You can override this setting per image.

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We’re moving symbols to their own panel on the left side of the designer to make them easier to find — and to make way for some exciting planned upgrades to our entire symbols toolset.

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Now you can improve readability and accessibility of text on your site with the “ch” unit, which lets you control the width of text elements by character count.

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Now you can clip background styles like images, gradients, and overlays to text to create bold new styles for headings and other typography elements.

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August 4, 2020

Now you can clean your interactions panel up by bulk selecting and removing all unused interactions and animations.

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Our most commonly used elements and components are now keyboard and screen reader accessible.

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A new Buy Now checkout option for your Ecommerce store lets your customers check out faster.

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Templates are a great way to kick-start your new web design project, and we’ve completely redesigned our marketplace to improve your experience browsing and buying templates.

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Now you can select multiple (or all) of your assets at once in the wide view of the asset manager to delete unneeded files faster.

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You can now connect your Webflow Ecommerce store to Printful to get a print-on-demand store up and running fast.

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You can now add links to file downloads to any of your products.

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Create a content schedule that works best for your business by scheduling new CMS items to be published at a specific date and time in the future.

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You can now keep your Ecommerce orders synced in Shippo, easily create shipping labels, and automate order tracking for your customers.

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You can now nest a ‘child’ collection list into a ‘parent’ to display categories, tags — or any referenced content — in your designs.

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You can now create and manage discount codes, fueling marketing efforts for your Ecommerce store.

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Now you can customize your designs for larger screens with 3 new device breakpoints at 1280px, 1440px, and 1920px.

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Now you can change images, text, videos, and links in a single instance of a symbol without affecting others — making it easier to create and maintain recurring layouts across your site that have unique content.

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Introducing the power of “or” collection filtering — plus, learn more about a new enhancement for CSV imports and exports, and discover ways to use collection and item IDs for simple no-code integrations.

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Now you can browse and search for assets more easily with an expanded wide view option in the asset manager.

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